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"Hey" Taehyung said smiling. "Oh your highness" She smiled. "Can you not be formal with me? Just call me taehyung or tae" She nodded. "What made you come here again?" She asked. "Um do i need a reason to come here?" She looked at him with surprise. "Of course not"

"Mind asking which kingdom you are from?" She looked at him. "No kingdom" She replied. He looked at her in confusion. "But you said you are a princess right? So there must be a kingdom"

"People think I am from Nature kingdom but they don't know the truth. There's no kingdom like Nature kingdom. I just possess natural powers and they named me as Butterfly Princess. Nature kingdom is just in myths" She looked at the garden.


"So what powers do you have?" She asked smiling. His face fell. "I don't have any powers" He said sadly. "Oh" She whispered quietly. She patted his back, he looked at her, she smiled "Don't be sad" He smiled at her.

"Can we meet like this every time?" He asked quietly. She smiled and nodded. He shyly smiled.


Jimin who was flying around found someone familiar. "I didn't expected her to be here" He smirked. He quietly flew towards her and was about to scare her but she was quick to dodge him. She immediately held his hand and threw him on the floor.

"Ouch! You are so fast!!" He exclaimed. "Hm and you are so naughty" She replied. "Well what type of practice you were doing?" He asked while getting up. She side eyed him and then replied, "Martial arts" He looked at her with amusement, "wow so princess luna is also good in martial arts"

"I look really weak but I am not at all weak so don't underestimate me" She warned him, coming close to his face. They looked at each other, getting completely lost in each other's eyes.

Luna broke the eye contact. Jimin too came back to his senses. "Um.. What..are you d..doing here by the way?" She asked changing the topic. "I was just roaming around" He replied casually, "correction flying around" He smiled mischievous. "Has anyone ever said it that you are really naughty?" He thought about it for a second, "they say it everytime" She rolled her eyes. He giggled.

"Can you beat me in martial arts?" She asked, smirking. He smirked, "don't underestimate me"

--Few minutes later--

"Wait wait, let me rest for a minute" Jimin winced while rolling on the floor while luna was laughing on him. "Don't underestimate me" She mimicked him. "Yah I am also good in martial arts but you are a girl that's why I didn't go hard on you" He said, avoiding her eye contact.

"Don't go easy on me, fight" She again posed herself. "Can we talk instead of fight?" He asked smiling. "Why? Are you scared?" She asked with a teasing smile. "I..i am not" He started looking here and there.

"Fine" She agreed. He took a breath of relief. She giggled seeing him. He glared at her. She stopped laughing or I say she tried to not laugh.

"Hm so what else can you do other than flying?" He looked at her, "I can dance" She nodded, "yeah I saw that" He shook his head, "not that type" He looked down. "I can fight through dance" She widened her eyes, "what is that now?" She asked in confusion.

"What? Is that too hard to understand?" She nodded. "Everyone says the same thing. But I can't even show it. It's like it's dance fight, you know?" She nodded, half confused. "Forget about it. What can you do rather than becoming swan and do martial arts?" She widened her eyes and immediately kept her hand on his lips. "Shh.. Don't say it aloud" She said quietly.

He looked at her as they were too close. She looked at him as his eyes went on her lips. He struck her hair strand behind her ears, cupping her face. She looked down while breathing heavily due to their closeness. She removed her hand from his mouth. He sat more closer to her. She bites her lips and then looked at him. He looked at her. She closed her eyes tightly. Their lips were inches apart.

"Your highness?"

Their eyes shoot opened and they immediately departed from each other. "Oh I am so sorry your highness" The maid bowed and apologized. "It's.. Ok.." Luna said. He cleared his throat, "I..i should go" She looked at him, he went from there.

"What just happened?" She mumbled to herself, touching her heart which was fastly beating. "Oh you were saying something?" She turned towards the maid. "I am sorry your highness for coming like this" She again apologized. "It's okay and tell me what happened"

"God jimin stop losing your control like that.. You're a prince for God's sake.." Jimin thought while walking. He sighed.

Amelia held jin's hand. He shockingly looked at her. "I am sorry for following you here without your permission, your mother also misunderstood me as your girlfriend"

He widened his eyes, "what did you just said?" She looked at him with 'seriously' expression. "For the first time in my life I have apologized to someone and YOU WANT ME TO REPEAT IT??" She yelled at him. "Alright alright don't do that.. I am actually shocked that you said sorry to me"

She side eyed him. She then looked around. "Why don't you make a new house for your mother?" She asked looking at the house. "She doesn't want me to" He replied back, looking at the same direction. She looked at him with confusion, "why not?" He looked at her, "because we lived there since childhood.. We have memories there that's why she doesn't want to leave the house" He looked at his hands.

"Hmm so why don't you renovate it from outside?" She asked. He looked at her, "why didn't it came in my mind earlier?" She looked at him with amusement, "see I give good ideas right?" He raised his eye brows. "Isn't your plan same as making a new house?" She glared at him.

"Fineee.. I understand.. That you will never use any of my ideas.. Why the hell am I even talking to you!" Saying this, she went inside the house. "Did I said something this bad that she got angry again?" Then he realised something.

"Oh wait, she is angry again, eomma will scold me now" He ran behind her.
"Yah wait"

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