Unexpected Reunion

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"Jimin, can you go and check inside the palace? We don't know what kind of danger is laid ahead of our way" Jin spoke, leading his brothers. Jimin nodded and went inside their palace. They were back to Rosefall kingdom, but unaware about the problems. In response to Jin's request, Jimin nodded obediently. "Yes, I'll go" he affirmed, steeling himself for the unknown dangers awaiting them.

They had returned to the Rosefall kingdom, but they were oblivious to the dangers that lay in store. Jimin cautiously entered the palace, his senses on high alert as he assessed the situation. Jimin was flying around, not to make sound by walking, his eyes assessing the castle, until he stopped behind a pillar. His eyes widened to see Hwan gyu talking with guards.

Jimin returned to his brothers, his expression grave as he shared the news. "Hwan gyu betrayed us," he admitted, his voice laced with a mixture of shock and anger. Jin's eyes widened in disbelief. "What?!" he exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the revelation.

Jimin's words echoed through the air as he explained, "He's the one who tampered with our drinks, causing us to lose our memories" A collective sense of shock washed over the group as they processed the shocking revelation. Trust had been shattered, and betrayal had come from an unexpected source.

Namjoon's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and disbelief, the air heavy with the weight of the situation. "It seems like we can't trust anyone anymore. How could he do that? God! What will we do now, hyung?" he lamented.

Jin stood there, completely stunned. The person he had considered a close ally, someone he had cared for deeply, had been their enemy all along. Shock and pain tugged at his heart as he struggled to comprehend the depth of the betrayal.

Yoongi's voice broke through the somber silence, his tone both gentle and firm. "Hyung," he addressed Jin directly, "I understand how hurt you are, but we can't afford to dwell on it now." His words cut through the tension, reminding Jin that they had more urgent matters to attend to, despite the emotional turmoil consuming them.

Jin nodded in agreement, his determination now more resolute than ever. "You're right," he echoed. "Hwan gyu will certainly receive a lesson later. Was there anything else which seemed different to you, jimin?"

Jimin paused, carefully considering the details he had observed. "The throne," he began, "it was empty and covered in dust, as if no one has sat there lately."

Taehyung's worry for their parents was evident in his voice as he asked, "What about Mother and Father?" Jimin's face filled with remorse as he replied, "I couldn't find them."

The group exchanged worried looks as they contemplated their next move. Jin spoke with determination, "We don't know after our disappearance, what happened here. But we need to find them."

Jungkook's realization made them pause. "Hyung," he asked Jimin, "was Junho there?" Jimin responded, "I didn't see him." Jungkook's frustration bubbled over as he exclaimed, "How could you not! I took responsibility for him, and I have no idea how he was doing for the past two months."

"We will find him too, jungkook. First let's go somewhere to take shelter" Jin said. "Where will we go but?" Hoseok asked. "I know a place" Jin replied.

Jin led them to a place they knew well, filled with flowers and vegetables, the house untouched by time. A sense of nostalgia washed over the older brothers as they recollected past memories.

Jungkook, however, looked puzzled. "Who's house is this?" he inquired.

The older brothers exchanged nervous glances before Jimin explained, "Someone we know. You were too young to remember."

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