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Revelation 3:3

Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you.



My foot taps uncontrollably on the floor of the waiting room, the pale colored tiles and dull walls dont help the anxiety i am facing.

Serenity went out to the vending machine to get me a bottle of water, she could clearly see the colour drain from my skin.

I got a glimpse of my baba when the ambulance rushed him into the hospital, it's one of my greatest regrets. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his crinkly lips opened wide as the rest of his lifeless body drooped on the bed.

I wonder if he heard how loud i was screaming for him when he was taken from me, i wonder if he could speak, would he have scolded me for getting his blood on my clothes.

My ears turned off when i saw his face on the floor, i heard nothing after that. Nothing. Not even when the doctors had held me by my arms to keep me from falling, or when she shook me conscious, i read their lips... i could make our something about an urgent surgery they were going to perform.

I refused to allow my mind to process those word's because they were a glimpse of hope that my baba might just make it out alive.

Every blink hurts, because with every blink a flash of what my baba looked like in his most vulnerable moment comes in my head to torture me.

So i keep my eyes open.

I have been having a staring contest with the Chipped marble floor for the past half an hour straight, i can feel my eyes burn but i dont care because i would rather them burn out than have to face what's happening right now

"Here-" I see a cold bottle of water being waved in front of my face, i shake my head shoving the bottle away. I fear if i drink anything i am going to vomit,

"Eden, drink. You haven't rested or eaten in hours..." She coaxes me, taking a seat on the cold plastic chair beside me,

"Can you blame me?" I spare her a look from the side of my head,

"Can you just take a sip? I can see your lips getting stuck together from how dehydrated you are right now." She says shoving the bottle closer to me,

"Serenity, this really isn't the time for fashion and beauty tips alright? My baba could be dying, i have other priorities." I say under my breath,

"Your baba is not dying in Jesus Name." She says strongly in yoruba, i dont even have strength to respond to her.

"Everything is going to be okay, i know it looks bad right now but everything is going to be okay." She puts a hand over my shoulder and I immediately remember the way my baba would support me with the same words in the same way.

It doesn't take too long before i am shoving her hand away,

"How do you know everything is going to be okay huh? Were you not there when he was rolled away? Did you not see the-" i make a gesture to the side of my forehead where the blood leaked from.

"And even in the midst of all of that I know that God is a miracle worker." I sigh, i know she is on a spiritual high right now but she just doesn't understand.

"I wish i could help you more than i am right now eden, but all we can do is pray and wait." My lip curls for a moment.

He didn't deserve this,

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