Happy Valentines Day Mummy!

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Baby Pippa was asleep in the Moses basket beside the bed in the master bedroom, and Holly had taken the opportunity to shower, being a mum to a toddler and a newborn rarely allowed for such luxuries sometimes. Johnny had seized the moment to spoil his wife, what with it being Valentines Day too, he knew she would appreciate some fuss.

After carefully navigating their two year old into a red dress that she had chosen herself, but failed to be able to successfully put on by herself, and gathering all the flowers he had arranged to be delivered the night prior from his office, he managed to sit the excitable two year old on the end of the bed and snap a photo. "Remember what we say, Happy Valentines Day Mummy!!" He whispered making Lottie squeal in excitement all over again.

Holly turned off the shower and headed to the vanity, she immediately felt refreshed as soon as the water had hit her. Taking her time to undertake her skin care, she knew she had a few moments respite as Johnny had promised to occupy "The Littles" that they had now become known by the two elder children. She heard her eldest daughter squeal and knew Johnny must be causing mischief with her.

Donning a jumper dress and tights, and adding some  light make up, she dried out her hair leaving it loose and wavy. She opened the en suite door and was shocked as she saw Johnny stood at the end of their bed with their excitable toddler sat giddy to the side of him. "Happy Valentines Day my darling." He swooned in his smooth voice as Lottie loudly whispered "Happy Love Day Mummy!!!" Holly beamed before slowly admiring each bouquet as well as the balloons. Finally she stopped and said "Did you do all this?" She looked straight at Johnny knowing he must have as nobody else was in the house. "Just a little token of my love for you. You're the love of my life." He smiled and slowly approached her, wrapping his arms around her middle and kissing her softly. Lottie bounded down off the bed and yanked at her father's trouser leg. "Ok ok.. you're still my best middle girl aren't you?" He smirked scooping her up onto his hip where she sloppily kissed his cheek extremely proud of her title he had bestowed upon her.

"Happy Valentines Day Johnny." Holly said as she snuggled into his embrace before leaving a kiss on his cheek. "I love you." She said softly before Lottie squealed "Lottie wuv's Mommy and Daddy sooo much!" Johnny smirked before kissing her head "and we love you too our little love monkey, shall we go grab some coffee?" He said the latter part to his wife who nodded. Holly retracted from Johnny's arms and made her way to the Moses basket, their second child laid awake probably from the squeals but seemed content enough as her mother gently picked her up. "Is this new?" She asked with a smile spotting the dainty pink love heart sleep suit that their youngest daughter now donned.  "Well of course Lottie wanted a dress, and I thought she was a tad too small for that, so Lily ordered it online a week or so ago." Johnny explained as he headed out the bedroom with Lottie still on his hip chatting animatedly. She had really grown into a little character in recent months and adored wearing pretty dresses so it was no surprise to Johnny that she had picked out the boldest red dress she could.

Holly gently carried their baby girl down the stairs and could already hear Lottie chatting away to her father. "Well that's not quite true is it?" She heard Johnny say as he fiddled with the coffee machine. "It is Daddy!! Sissy told me!!" "Well sissy must have been wrong! Little girls only ever love their brothers and their Daddies. All other boys smell." Johnny smirked before catching his wife roll her eyes. "What about Grandpa and Pops?" "Oh yes they are ok too." "And Uncle Ben, Uncle Adam? What about Uncle Stevey???" She said giggling. "Ok ok. Yes them too. Just other boys smell. The ones not in our family." He said finally putting her down on the floor. "Johnny.. she's two and a half, she's not gonna be dating soon! I think you've got some time.." Holly beamed before taking over with the coffee machine. Pippa was resting her head on her mother's shoulder and slowly drifting back off to sleep. "Me know the date!! It'a a four and ten!! Daddy showed me his book of days!!" Johnny smiled before nodding "well done darling, but most people say fourteen.. can you say it? Fourteenth of February." "Daddy you mean love day!!" Lottie said before running off to the sitting room to find her doll. "Well I can't imagine a better start to Love day." Holly said leaning in to kiss her husband passionately. "Me neither my sweet valentine."

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