Chapter 27

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(Yall best prepare yall's self for these next few chapters!!!)

Michael's pov

I woke to the feeling of someone pressing a rag to my face. A weird smell filled my nose and before I could scream or fight I blacked out.


I woke up in the back seat of a truck. Then I realized, this was Josh's truck. I tried to scream but a gag prevented me from doing so. I tried to move my hands and feet but they were tied up. I let out a muffled scream only to have Josh yell at me to shut up. I silently cried as he drove us to his house.


Once we got to his house, he untied my feet and pushed me up his driveway and too his front door. I screamed into the gag and tried my best to fight back. Once we got into his house, he took to the spare room o used to stay in, where he slapped me and threw me too the ground.

As I laid on the ground in pain, he untied my hands and took the gag out of my mouth. I looked up at him with pleading eyes but he just ignored it and dragged me over to the bed. He sat me down next to the and grabbed a pair of handcuffs and a chain. He handcuffed my wrists together the attached the chain to the cuffs.

After he was done, he walked over to the bedroom door and walked out locking it behind him, leaving me to cry.


Maegan's pov

I woke up to the sound of a car pulling away from my house. I looked over to Michael's side of the bed and when I saw it was empty I immediately started panicking. I got out of bed as fast as I could and ran downstairs. I opened the front and looked down the street and saw no cars. I started to panic even more.

I ran inside, slamming the door behind me. I was about to run back upstairs when a piece of paper on the counter caught my eyes. I walked over to counter and picked up the note.

"I've got your precious little kitten. If you come looking for him, I'll do more than just hurt him every once in awhile. Oh and if you even think, about calling the cops, I'll make your world a living hell. ~ Josh"

As soon as I read the note, I broke down into sobs. I let out a blood curdling scream and fell to the ground, sobbing. after a few minutes, I stood up quickly and ran upstairs as fast as I could and grabbed my phone. I flipped through my contacts and the first person I could find was Luke so I called him.


Luke's pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I turned on the bedside lap and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I asked, tiredly.
"L-lu-ke?" I heard Maegan cry.

I quickly woke up.

"Oh my god Maegan, are you ok?!?"
"Y-ye-ah, I-I'm f-fine, b-but M-Michael
"Oh my god, what happened!?!"

I felt Rebecca move next to me. "Babe, who is it" she asked tiredly. "Its Maegan." "Oh. Why is she calling you at 5:00 in the morning" she asked. I shushed her and listened to Maegan.

"Ok, ok. Calm down. We'll be there on a bit, just breath"
"O-ok, please h-hurry."
"Ok. We'll be there in five" I said, hanging up the phone.

I got out of bed and put a shirt on. "Put theses on quickly" I said to Rebecca, tossing her a pair of pajama bottoms. "Luke, what's going on" she asked, putting them on. "Maegan called, crying, saying Michael got kidnapped" I said, looking for my house shoes. "Oh my god, is she ok" she asked, looking for her house slippers.

"She said she was fine but she sounded like she was freaking out and having trouble breathing" I said, opening the bedroom door. "C'mon" I said, running out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I grabbed the car keys and ran out the front door.

Rebecca and I got in the car a sped off towards Maegan's house.


Once we pulled up, we didn't bother knocking we just ran into the house. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Maegan sobbing her eyes out on the floor. I ran over to her and sat down next to her, Rebecca not far behind.

"Rebecca, can you grab her inhaler. Its up in the medicine cabinet above the sink. "Yeah" she said, standing up and running into the kitchen. "Maegan, look at me" I said lifting her head up. "Look at me. Breathe. In and out, in and out" I said, trying to steady her breathing.

Rebecca came back with her inhaler. "Herr, take this" I said, shaking it then handing it to her. Once she took it, she started to breathe normal. "Son of a bitch" she muttered, with tears still flowing down her face. "Maegan was happend" I asked.
She handed me a piece of paper off the floor. I read it but I was still a bit confused.
"Who's Josh" I asked, handing the note to Rebecca so she could read it. "I'll explain in a sec, I need a moment" she said, standing up and walking to bathroom. I looked at Rebecca. "Poor girl. First he runs away, now he's kidnapped" she said. "Yeah. She loves him. You can see it in the way she looks at him" I said looking towards the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Maegan came out of the bathroom and sat in the the living room. She explained to us that Josh was Michael's old owner and that they ran into him at the park. "I should have beat the shit out of him when I had the chance" she said, angrily. "God, I just want my kitten back" she cried.

"Don't worry. We'll find him" I said.


PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!!! *ducks in cover behind counter*

The next few chapters are gonna be kinda sad so prepare yall's self, BUT DON'T WORRY!! Its ends happy.

I hope you liked it my little marshmallows. Love ya :)âÂ¤Ã¯Â¸ÂÃ¢ÂÂ¤Ã¯Â¸ÂÃ¢ÂÂ¤Ã¯Â¸ÂÃ¢ÂÂ¤Ã¯Â¸ÂÃ¢ÂÂ¤Ã¯Â¸ÂÃ¢ÂÂ¤Ã¯Â¸ÂÃ¢ÂÂ¤Ã¯Â¸ÂÃ¢ÂÂ¤Ã¯Â¸Â

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