Chapter 21

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It was unclear who and when someone initiated it, but heads began to rise from their seats, offering congratulations and presenting valuable gifts one by one.

Xia Jingshi withdrew his gaze, lifting the jade-inlaid cup in his hand, appreciating the amber-colored wine within with a reserved smile.

Some did it to curry favor with Princess Xiyang, who held the lord's boundless favor. Others, daunted by the lord's authority, dared not be negligent. None of these gifts contained genuine congratulations on his marriage, and he himself felt none of the joy one should have on such an occasion.

Royal marriages among nobles had always been nothing more than political theatrics.

Sensing Xia Jingshi's silence, Xiyang discreetly glanced at him over her cup, her smile as ethereal as smoke, her eyes still as cool as stars. Though physically beside her, his heart seemed distant, as if the ongoing wedding feast had nothing to do with him at all.

Suddenly, Xiyang felt powerless. The joy that had filled her heart for days gradually dissipated. They were married now, yet could she not even receive his undivided attention? There was little warmth in his eyes for her, none at all...

Perhaps aware of this, Xia Jingshi suddenly turned his head.

Xiyang couldn't retract her gaze in time, and all her emotions lay bare under his clear eyes. 

"Feeling unwell?" he asked softly, reaching for the wine cup in her hand. "The wine is strong. Don't drink too much."

His gentle concern illuminated the dim corners of her heart. Xiyang returned him a bright smile, taking back the wine cup from his hand. She stood slowly, facing the crowd and immediately attracting all eyes.

Xiyang's long eyelashes elegantly fluttered, her expression exuding grace and elegance. The hall fell silent. "Today, my husband has brought me this exquisite phoenix crown," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I wish to present a gift in return, but I don't know what my husband likes." Her voice quivered even more as she continued, "I can only give myself wholeheartedly to him, to be a good wife, to share his joys and sorrows, to advance and retreat together—witnessed by the heavens and the people!"

With that, she drained the wine in one gulp. When she set down the jade cup, whether from the wine or from excitement, a flush spread across her cheeks, and her eyes shone brightly.


Someone's wine cup tipped over, dripping along the edge of the table onto the floor, yet no palace attendant stepped forward to wipe it away.

Feng Suige tilted his head in astonishment, slightly bewildered as he looked at the radiant woman before him. Was she truly Princess Xiyang, the pampered imperial sister since childhood? Just days ago, she was a mischievous girl who used her impending marriage as an excuse to demand luxurious gifts from him. Now, any hint of shyness seemed to have vanished, replaced by a strong yearning for love.

On Xia Jingshi's face was only confusion. Four years ago, he had heard from the envoy from the Holy City that Princess Xiyang had declared she would marry no one but him. He had been puzzled then but hadn't dwelled on it much. Yet today, hearing Xiyang speak these words in front of him again made him start to question if he had missed some crucial moments.

Ling Xueying had long heard from Fu Yixiao about Xiyang's unique words and actions. Even now, she couldn't help but look at Fu Yixiao with a slightly open mouth.

Fu Yixiao only faintly responded with a 'get used to it' expression.

Ling Xueying then looked towards the slender figure in blue on the high platform, feeling somewhat regretful in her heart. If Xiyang were not the princess of Su Sha, if Xiyang had not stirred up this muddy water, perhaps they could have become friends and traveled the world together, laughing under the sun and moon...

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