Chapter 58

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Yixiao remained silent.

After fiercely punching herself in the chest, she sat there quietly, unmoving, with a stubborn expression that evoked heartache.

She could endure the thousands of curses and slanders from the people of Su Sha, but she couldn't bear the look of disdain in Feng Suige's eyes.

Life, it seemed, was truly just a scam, deceiving people into joy or sorrow, but ultimately leaving them heartbroken and empty-handed. No one could understand the pain that penetrated to the core better than someone who had been wounded like her. Such pain was incomparable to physical injuries.

She was so afraid of the pain that she finally understood it was better not to have anything than to suffer again.

In this suffocating atmosphere, Feng Suige suddenly couldn't stand it anymore. He rushed over and tightly embraced her. "Yixiao, why don't you explain? As long as you explain, no matter what you say, I'll believe you."

"Would you really believe me?" Yixiao said calmly. "If you trusted me, why would I need to explain? All the happiness and tolerance you've shown these days are just self-deception. You can't help but care about my past, so let me go while you still can!"

Yixiao's words made Feng Suige's shoulders twitch.

"Don't say that! You can't leave me!" He desperately tightened his grip on her, wishing he could fuse her into his body and become one with her.

"Why must it be like this," Yixiao said with wide eyes. "Is this mutual torment fun for you? Maybe you think it's fun, but I'm exhausted. I can't play anymore. The game is over, I give up."

"I won't agree," Feng Suige, in a panic, held her tightly, speaking incoherently. "I misspoke earlier. Hit me, curse me, just don't be angry. I won't ask anymore, never again. In the future, explain to me when you want to."

She gave a bitter smile, "If you trusted me, you wouldn't believe them—Prince Feng, I beg you, let me go!"

Feng Suige half-knelt in front of her, lowered his head to rest on her shoulder, and his voice was so faint it was almost inaudible, "I'm sorry... I said the wrong thing. I didn't want to hurt you."

"I know," she suddenly smiled. "But why apologize? You haven't done anything to wrong me. You even stood against your father and your ministers for me several times, yet I kept provoking and torturing you. Why don't you hate me? Why don't you send me far away?"

"You're not allowed to leave me! I don't care about anyone else, but you can't go, do you hear me?" His tone was as domineering as a child's, with a mix of stubbornness and a hint of helplessness.

A confused and thoughtful look flashed in Yixiao's eyes as she vaguely asked, "Why?"

"Why?" Feng Suige's voice was filled with frustration. "You're still asking me why? I've told you before that I love you, but did you ever listen even once?"

"Love? It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I can't see it," she laughed bitterly. "Is there a way to love by torturing someone? Does such a feeling exist in this world? I can't understand something so complex. I only know that love is just love, pain is just pain, and harm is just harm. No matter the reason, a wound from love and a wound from hate are both fatal. If this torment is your way of expressing love, it would be kinder to just stab me once and be done with it."

Feng Suige seemed to hesitate. After a moment, he struggled to say, "I was jealous, Yixiao—I admit I sent people to Pingling to investigate you, but the news they brought back made me insanely jealous. I tried to calm down, but I couldn't. I wanted to understand your past. I didn't ask you directly because I was afraid you'd misunderstand my intentions..." He looked at her eagerly, hope in his eyes, as if waiting for the truth from her lips.

"You don't need to wait, I won't explain," Yixiao said with a smile that chilled to the bone.


Xia Jingshi stood beside a black warhorse, speaking softly with Xiao Weiran. He was wearing her favorite black robe, with dark red lapels and hems embroidered with intertwining coral vines.

Under his broad forehead were slanted sword-like eyebrows that extended to his temples, and his black pupils were deep as whirlpools. His eyelashes occasionally fluttered lightly, sending ripples through her heart. Beneath his high, straight nose were thin lips that always seemed to utter hurtful words.

Xia Jingshi suddenly turned his head, meeting Feng Xiyang's eyes. In his gaze, Feng Xiyang saw only coldness and authority.

Feng Xiyang blinked, trying to give him a sweet smile, but Xia Jingshi acted as if he didn't see it, indifferently turning back to continue speaking with Xiao Weiran.

Feng Xiyang dejectedly lowered her head and fiddled with the intricately embroidered cuffs of her sleeves. Hidden in her sleeve was a letter that Steward Huang had copied before he left, a letter from Xia Jingshi to Feng Suige. The letter had already been crumpled and torn by her. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that a cold-hearted man like Xia Jingshi would remember so many trivial details—trivial details about another woman—

Yixiao is impulsive and stubborn, often at odds with people, but she is very kind. If you treat her well, she will repay you tenfold, so you don't have to worry about her becoming arrogant with favor.

Yixiao has many thoughts, so you won't run out of things to talk about with her. If you really have nothing to discuss, just ask her about archery; she can talk about it endlessly until you fall asleep.

Yixiao is very picky about food. She likes salty and spicy dishes, dislikes green vegetables and bean sprouts, and the only fruit she doesn't like is bananas.

Yixiao likes to lie on the windowsill and watch the moon, even in winter, but she always forgets to put on more clothes and never remembers to close the window before sleeping.

Yixiao doesn't care much about her clothing, but she likes plain white clothes because her mother liked them.

Yixiao has always been very filial. Her mother's death anniversary is approaching. If convenient, please help her arrange the memorial services... Actually, she is very simple, like an innocent child, so please, Prince Feng, take good care of her.

The matters mentioned in the letter will be handled as soon as possible.

Thank you.

No signature. 

His bold and forceful handwriting lined up row after row, each stroke like a poisoned whip lashing her heart.


Ning Fei and Xueying arrived late, complaining to each other as they walked. Although Xueying appeared furious, her eyes shone with lively spirit, making her big eyes seem even more vibrant.

She couldn't help but lament once again how unfairly the heavens treated people.

Both were women, both married, yet Fu Yixiao, without any particular merit, had captured the complete devotion of two equally outstanding men. Meanwhile, although she herself was a woman and married as well, her face was full of the despair and sorrow of a new bride, in stark contrast to Ling Xueying's radiant happiness.

Voices shouted from the front, signaling it was time to depart.

Feng Xiyang lifted the curtain of her carriage and called out to Ling Xueying, who was passing by in her sedan chair, "Xueying, a long journey can be stifling. Why don't you come and ride with me? It would be nice to have someone to talk to along the way."

Xueying paused briefly, raising an eyebrow with a smile, "It's really unfortunate timing. Ning Fei promised earlier to teach me how to ride a horse during the journey, so I can only accept your kind offer in spirit," she said, bowing slightly with impeccable manners.

Feng Xiyang forced a smile, "Alright then, if you get tired and need to rest, feel free to come to my carriage. It's more spacious and comfortable..."

"I don't think I'll get too tired."

Ning Fei politely interrupted. "The formation is about to move. I'll take Xueying to settle her belongings." 

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