Chapter 76

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Behind the inn was a rushing canal, with murky water churning violently. Occasionally, burning debris fell into the canal, and before any smoke could rise, it was quickly carried away.

Yixiao wiped her face with her sleeve, trying to open her tear-stained, smoke-red eyes. She asked urgently, "Jump into the canal?"

Feng Suige chuckled softly, "Yes, and—" He securely held Yixiao by his side. "I can't swim. If you know how, you'd better repay me for saving your life!"

Before Yixiao could even shout a single "hey," a powerful force propelled her forward, and she barely had time to hold her breath before plunging into the icy, murky canal.

Not daring to let go of her tight grip, Yixiao struggled to surface, trying to keep Feng Suige's head above water.

"Relax your limbs," Yixiao spat out a mouthful of the river water and said urgently, "I'll take care of everything."

With Yixiao's strength, she could only manage to keep them both afloat in the swift current, and due to the summer flood, they were quickly swept far away.

Yixiao kept treading water tirelessly, her arms wrapped around Feng Suige's neck, trying to keep his face out of the water while steering him towards the high embankment. However, the turbulent water repeatedly thwarted her efforts.

"Foolish woman," Feng Suige suddenly scolded softly, "the canal reaches the outskirts of the city; the water will slow down." He coughed a few times and continued, "Now, save your strength."

Yixiao didn't respond, but her movements slowed as she fought against the current.

After drifting for a while, the riverbank became lower, the river widened, and the current began to slow. Yi Xiao paddled vigorously, making her way towards the shore.

The two of them stumbled and waded onto the stony beach. Once on dry land, Yixiao felt her hands and feet go numb and, regardless of the sharp stones, she let her limbs relax and collapsed onto the ground.

Feng Suige, equally exhausted, lay down beside her.

After resting for a while, Yixiao, still feeling uneasy, was startled when Feng Suige suddenly burst into laughter.

She turned her head to look at him and, seeing his cheerful expression, couldn't help but nudge him with her foot. "What are you laughing at?"

Feng Suige lazily turned onto his side, "While we were in the water, all I could think about was how I would scold you fiercely once we got to shore. But now, for some reason, I can't bring myself to say a single word."

Yixiao fell silent for a moment before asking softly, "How did you come here?"

"Ye Duanfang," Feng Suige said simply, his voice calm. "He thought that revealing the mastermind would only make them more eager to target you, so he stationed lookouts on all the streets surrounding the Prince's residence. As soon as you appeared, his men spotted you."

Seeing Yixiao remain silent, Feng Suige propped himself up on his elbow and looked seriously into her eyes. "Can you tell me who it was and why, that made you sneak off to such a place, even to the extent of not realizing you were trapped in a room?"

Yixiao opened her mouth, several times starting to speak only to swallow her words back, finally sighing, "There's no need to ask like this. You just want to hear me say it aloud, but..."

"I understand," Feng Suige's expression changed, the light in his eyes vanished almost instantly. He seemed to be struggling against a cruel impulse, speaking with difficulty, "I understand."

Yixiao, not yet noticing his change in expression, said with frustration, "But I don't understand why that person knew so much... I just wanted to see him."

"And then?" Feng Suige interjected coolly, "Continue to live together with him?"

Yixiao looked up at him in shock.

Feng Suige slowly propped himself up, "I've had enough. You've never forgotten Xia Jing Shi. Even though I've tried my best to win your favor, it's been in vain. I thought you'd eventually change your mind, but instead, while I dote on you and love you, you secretly toy with my genuine feelings."

His sharp words felt like a double-edged sword, stabbing Yixiao while also causing Feng Suige his own pain.

Yet, he continued numbly, "Now I finally understand, your heart belongs entirely to Xia Jing Shi, and you can't spare it for anyone else." He looked at Yi Xiao, who seemed at a loss, and said slowly, "But it's really a pity. You think you only belong to him, yet he belongs to Xiyang. He would rather watch you die than marry you, wouldn't he?"

Yixiao remained silent. His words were so cutting that she couldn't defend herself, feeling as though the wounds she had painstakingly healed were being ruthlessly torn open again. The pain and coldness seemed to penetrate to her very bones, invading her innermost being.

"It was actually my mistake," Feng Suige said coldly when Yixiao remained silent. "You don't have a heart, and you never will. You're a liar!"

At this, he became enraged again, shouting out the last sentence with force. He pushed Yixiao down onto the stone beach and pressed his lips heavily against hers.

The salty and metallic taste spread in her mouth with Feng Suige's invasive kiss—it was the taste of blood. 

Yixiao's eyes dimmed bit by bit. This was the most familiar thing between them, wasn't it? The endless distrust, the equally stubborn pride—such love, such feelings, when would there ever be balance?

At that moment, he was fiercely biting at her neck, the pain mingling with his deep-seated sense of loss and melancholy made her close her eyes.

She spoke softly, "Since you already know so clearly, why not be magnanimous and let me go?" 

Perhaps, this was punishment for her past neglect of his true feelings, for not cherishing the love he had given her.

"Go?" Feng Suige's voice was filled with uncontrollable resentment. "Are you so eager to return to him?"

"Yes," Yixiao sighed deeply in her heart, but her words remained calm and detached. "Just as you said, I am a poisonous flower. Once my bloom is over, no matter what you do, I won't bloom again."

A fleeting look of brokenness crossed his eyes.

Letting go of Yixiao, Feng Suige sat up, "You always say that I broke the rules of the game," he said with a wry smile. "Maybe that's true. Alright, the game ends here. You can go!"

"Okay," Yixiao slowly stood up, fumbled in her arms, and pulled out a wet handkerchief, handing it to him. "Wrap your wound with this for now."

"Keep your kindness to yourself," Feng Suige said tersely, swatting her hand away with a hint of spite.

His fingers, still smeared with coarse sand and stone, gently traced over the wound that was already white from being soaked. There was a tinge of vengeful satisfaction in the pain, "A scar for a truth, it's worth it."

Yixiao sighed and said quietly, "Take care of yourself," before turning gracefully and walking towards the official road.

Feng Suige forced himself to stand, watching her retreating figure with a cold smile. The pain pressed down on him layer by layer, making it hard to breathe, as if he were sinking into deep water, descending into despair and indifference.

"Feng Suige!" Unbeknownst to him, Yixiao had returned, rushing back to him and grabbing his arm. "What's wrong?"

"It's none of your business!!!" he growled, trying to shake off her supporting hand.

Before losing consciousness, he heard Yixiao's panicked cries, "Feng Suige? Feng Suige!"

Stop calling. You don't love me at all.

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