Chapter 61

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Xia Jingshi's shout echoed through the entire camp like thunder, also waking up Feng Xiyang, who had been resting with her eyes closed.

She opened her eyes suddenly, just as a maid burst into the room, panicked, and exclaimed, "Princess, we're encountering a flood!"

Watching the maids frantically moving in and out, Xia Jingshi, drenched, burst into the palanquin, and barked, "Take only the essentials and leave everything else behind. Follow them up to higher ground!"

Feng Xiyang realized that Xia Jingshi hadn't forgotten her after all. As she saw him turn to leave, unable to fully savor the unexpected sweetness in her heart, she called out, "Husband, I'm coming with you."

However, Xia Jingshi had already rushed out into the rain without looking back.

Amidst the shouting of people and the neighing of horses, everyone had retreated to a safe spot halfway up the mountain. Looking back at the camp at the foot of the mountain, most of the equipment and large discarded items on the open ground were already floating in the mud and drifting away.

With the intense downpour, numerous water columns surged from the mountain gorges, creating a spectacular display. Rocks and mud collapsed, mixing together and rushing down the mountainside.

Xueying, who had twisted her ankle while helping to rescue the horses, was now curled up in Ning Fei's arms, gazing blankly at the rolling mud flood below the slope. Whether from the cold or fear, she trembled slightly.

Ning Fei rested his chin gently on her head, holding up a coat to shield them from the rain with one hand, while the other arm encircled her, soothing her with gentle pats on her back and whispering softly in her ear.

"Where is he!?" The calm atmosphere was shattered by a voice distorted by fear—Feng Xiyang's.

She was holding a somewhat damaged oil umbrella, her meticulously applied makeup long since smudged by the rain, leaving her looking disheveled as if she had just survived a calamity.

At the beginning of the climb, she had managed to maintain her composure with the help of her maid holding the umbrella. However, as the path became steeper, she was forced to abandon the umbrella and, like everyone else, climbed up through the heavy rain, her skirts lifted, using both hands and feet to make her way up.

At this moment, she was desperately searching for Xia Jingshi.

"Where is he!?"

Seeing Ning Fei turn around, Feng Xiyang's anxious voice rose in pitch, "Answer me quickly!"

Ning Fei furrowed his brow and pointed with his right hand in the opposite direction.

Feng Xiyang said nothing, and as she was about to pass by Ning Fei, Xueying sighed, "Even if there is no formal address, you should at least say thank you."

Feng Xiyang paused for a moment, threw out a brief "Thank you," and continued forward, stepping cautiously.

On the winding mountain path, temporary rain shelters had been set up on either side, where scattered soldiers were sitting.

Seeing her approach, they stopped their idle chatter in unison. A few younger soldiers stood up to offer a salute but hesitated and sat back down after glancing around.

Feng Xiyang forced a smile, "My husband..."

One of the generals stood up and politely interrupted her, "Your Highness, His Highness is quite particular about cleanliness. He was previously caught in the mess with us while transporting supplies. He should now be at the rear, tidying up. Please wait here for a moment while I inform him."

"No need," Feng Xiyang did not want to linger because everyone's odd looks made her feel uncomfortable, as though she were being scrutinized from all sides. "I'll go find him directly."

Although the general seemed displeased, he did not insist and pointed to a bend not far away, "His Highness is over there."

Turning the corner, she saw Xia Jingshi and Xiao Weiran standing not far ahead.

Xiao Weiran, holding an oil umbrella, had draped a muddy garment over his shoulders, which from its color could barely be recognized as one Xia Jingshi had worn before. Meanwhile, Xia Jingshi had already washed off the mud with the rainwater, changed into clean clothes, and was currently tying up his neatly arranged long hair.

Xiao Weiran was the first to notice Feng Xiyang and cleared his throat lightly, "Your Highness, the Princess has arrived."

Xia Jingshi acknowledged with a grunt, calmly finishing up his hair, and turned around, "You're looking for me?"

"I came to see you," Feng Xiyang met his gaze and suddenly felt somewhat ashamed.

Despite being drenched, he maintained his usual grace, while she was in a state of disarray. Her eyes were drawn to the water-blue hairpin he had used to tie his hair—a piece she had seen before in his study. It was clearly a hairpin intended for women. Why was he using it so casually to style his hair?

She instinctively said, "Your hairpin..."

Xia Jingshi was slightly taken aback but smiled, "The one I was using before was accidentally lost. I happened to have this one with me, so I used it for now."

Seeing her still fixated on the hairpin, he took it off his hair and handed it to her, "If we're lucky and come across an open kiln this time, you can buy more for future use."

As Feng Xiyang took the hairpin, a fierce mountain wind carrying large raindrops blew past, overturning her oil umbrella. She frantically reached out to grab it, but suddenly found her hands empty—at almost the same moment, with Xiao Weiran's frantic shout, Xia Jingshi passed by her and slid down the steep mountain wall.

Feng Xiyang's eyes widened in terror. She had forgotten the hairpin in her hand, and as she raised her hand, she had accidentally flung it away.

The flung hairpin bounced twice on the ground and immediately broke into two pieces.

Xia Jingshi lunged for the hairpin but ended up stepping on a large mass of loose soil on the mountain wall, which gave way, sending him tumbling down. Below was a turbulent mixture of muddy water and rocks.

Xiao Weiran shouted sharply, "Your Highness—" and leaped down after him.

Soldiers who arrived upon hearing the sound were thrown into chaos, calling out for their superiors and those who needed help. Two other generals also recklessly followed Xia Jingshi and Xiao Weiran down the slope.

In a moment, Xia Jingshi had fallen to the bottom of the valley, sinking into the muddy flow. 

Soon after, he emerged, covered in mud. The muddy figure rolled with the flow, sinking, surfacing, and sinking again. One after another, Xiao Weiran and the two other generals also fell in, barely struggling before being overwhelmed by the immense force, rolling in the muddy water just like Xia Jingshi.

Feng Xiyang stood frozen in shock, like a stone statue, for a long time before letting out a heart-wrenching scream, "Husband..." and slowly collapsed to the ground, clutching her chest.

Ning Fei, who had arrived at some point, had veins bulging on his forehead. With red eyes, he lifted Feng Xiyang from the ground and roared, "What happened! Tell me quickly!"

Feng Xiyang, clearly traumatized, stared blankly and muttered, "I don't know, it wasn't intentional..."

Ning Fei shoved Feng Xiyang away and turned to leave.

Feng Xiyang stumbled back, falling to the ground, but quickly got up and ran after Ning Fei, grabbing his sleeve. "Please save him! I beg you..."

Ning Fei shook her off with a violent motion and said coldly, "If any one of the four is lost, I swear I'll sacrifice my life to drag you to the afterlife with me!" 

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