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"What qualities are you seeking in your future partner?" Melany's voice boomed through the room, capturing everyone's attention except mine. "I am looking for someone who is kind, understanding, and has a good sense of humor," she continued.

It was my date with Melany, in which I had no interest. Despite her admirable qualities, I knew deep down that my heart belonged to someone else. But I also don't know who this 'someone' is.

Since the night began, my sole attention has been either on the next move of Tobias Hyde or the marvelous view from this restaurant of the New York skyline.

"Taehyung, I asked you something." Melany 's voice interrupted my thoughts, bringing me back to reality. "Are you even listening?"

"I am. I just got lost in thought for a moment," I replied, trying to focus on the present moment with Melany.

Melany Parkins was dressed really sleekly and looked like the perfect socialite in her designer tweed suit and skirt. Her creamy blonde hair was styled into a sleek bun. Her brown eyes were fixed on me. Also, I know that she thrives on attention, and if she fails to get it , she can become quite impatient.

"I would like my future partner to be a good listener," she said, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

I laugh inside my mind at her comment. Hell, she thinks we are going to be partners. Little does she know, I have no intention of getting involved. I am even doing this because my mom was urging me to.

"I would like my future wife or girlfriend to be supportive, understanding, and independent. And someone who isn't self-centered. I want someone empathic and encouraging." I add, trying to subtly hint at my lack of interest in a serious relationship with her.

"Nice qualities to look up to in a partner. And I have all of them. We could be a great match," she responds confidently, completely missing my subtle hint.

"I don't want to sound rude here. But you lack all of them." I assert the need to be direct and honest to prevent any future misunderstandings.

If Melany was offended or hurt, she didn't show it.

"Come on, I know you are just joking. You're such a funny guy," she laughs, clearly not taking my comment seriously. "At least tell me in which way I lack those qualities."

After a brief pause, I begin to explain.

"Well, as I have stated, I want a partner to be understanding, and you are clearly not understanding that I don't want this date to go anywhere. Also, I value independence, and you seem to be quite dependent on others for validation and approval. Further, you are very self-centered. For the whole night, you kept talking about yourself. You didn't ask me a single question about myself. I think I don't need to explain further why this can't work." I finish my explanation and drink the rest of my Merlot.

Melany looked at me with a mixture of shock and disappointment before finally speaking. " I am sure you will never find someone better than me for you."

What is happening with her? Melany's response only confirms my decision to end things. It's clear that she doesn't understand the importance of mutual respect and genuine interest in a relationship.

"Let's end this night and part ways. I hope you find someone who has genuine INTEREST in you." I emphasize interest, still hoping she understands.

"Is there any woman who meets your criteria better than me? If yes, then where is she, and why are you not clinging to her? If not, then what is the problem with me?" With this question, my belief is solidified that she is fucked up.

"Yes, there is one woman." I answer.


"Sofia Volkov." I am honestly, truly, definitely,really, literally,actually, heartily shocked at my answer here. I never expected to mention Sofia's name, but it came out without hesitation, almost effortlessly.

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