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I enter my house after having a full breakdown in front of my two best friends, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

I have weathered storms of heartbreak; some lovers betrayed me, while others vanished without a trace, leaving me drowning in a sea of unworthiness.

But this time it feels different and terrible.

This time it feels my heart is shattered like a glass vase dropped from a great height, irreparably broken.

This time it feels as if I may never be able to piece myself back together again.

This time it's more deep and raw.

Despite our brief relationship, I was completely convinced that Taehyung was the man for me.

"You are my biggest asset in this game of power and wit, Puella. You are the most valuable piece on my chess board," he admitted.

I spoke lightly, "Yet I am your most vulnerable piece as well."

"That is why you made your second condition? Because I will sacrifice you for my own gain," he said.

"I have been used by far too many men to believe you know. But remember, without me, your game would be incomplete," I replied cryptically.

"You compare me to them, Puella. I am not like them," he protested.

"Prove it then," I challenged, my voice gentle yet firm.

"I will. But it will take time," he vowed.

"I'll be waiting."

The flashback ends, and I collapse on my bed , tears streaming down my face as the memories of that conversation flood back to me.

I remember the determination and sincerity in those eyes when he promised he would be different from the men I dated. I had hoped he would keep his word, but now it became clear that he was just like the rest. My heart ached with the realization that I had been deceived once again.

I know he is the king of pride, but it is absolutely shitty to take it out on me. Losing something always hurts us, but you should accept that and not take out your anguish on others.

But that was what he did; he lashed out at me with cruel words and blame, making me question everything I thought I knew about him. He was so gentle with me last night when he cuddled me, but now it seems like a facade. It's painful to see someone you care about reveal their true colors in such a hurtful way.

This pain is blinding; its intensity is overwhelming, and I struggle to make sense of it all. I never imagined he could be capable of such cruelty, and now I'm left feeling betrayed and confused.

My chest aches as my emotions are riding high still. It's not healthy to hold onto this pain and confusion. But there is no escape. I go over to my bedside table and grab my medication so that my poor heart can find some relief from the heaviness it's carrying.

I grab my phone and start playing TAYLOR SWIFT because if someone makes the best breakup songs , it's her. Blondie has gone through dozens of heartbreaks. I start playing "All Too Well" and let the music soothe my soul as I try to make sense of the situation. Taylor's lyrics speak to me in a way that no one else can, and for now, that's enough to help me through this pain.

But soon music becomes painful to hear, so I shut it down and just stare at my ceiling , lost in my thoughts. Sometimes silence is the best comfort, allowing me to process my emotions without distraction.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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