20 sofia volkov

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"Shut up, Camilla, or I might strangle you right here." I glared at my best friend, who wasn't shutting up and continuously teasing me about Taehyung.

"If paparazzis got to know about it, your new album's release will be overshadowed by the scandal." Camilla smirked at me.

"Don't you have to visit Josephine right now?" I remind her of her prior commitment, hoping she would finally leave me alone.

"Oh, you want me gone so you could visit your charming prince in his workplace." Cami gives me a wicked grin.

Ever since that kiss in the garden, all of my friends, aunts, and even my mom wouldn't stop teasing me about Taehyung. I just couldn't catch a break.

"Yes, because he and I have a lunch date to go one and you are not incited there." I mutter under my breath. "And don't you need to find a prince charming soon?"

That comment shut Camilla immediately because this is something she doesn't like to talk about. Before her coronation, she needs to marry.

I mean, she doesn't necessarily need to marry before becoming a queen , but it's tradition for royalty to have a partner by their side. Aunt Bridget and Uncle Rhys aren't forcing her to marry; even Uncle Rhys never wants his daughter to feel pressured into marriage. But the pressure is still there, lingering in the air whenever the topic comes up. It's a delicate balance between tradition and personal choice for Camilla.

"I'm sorry, Cami." I say, guilt creeping into my nerves.

"You don't need to be, Sofia. I know you're just looking out for me," Camilla replies with a sad smile.

"You don't need to marry some stranger if you don't want to." I say, knowing she might be hearing this for a millionth time.

"Well, sometimes tradition can be suffocating," Camilla admits, her voice heavy with resignation. "But I'll figure it out somehow." She straightens her shoulders, determination shining in her eyes as she faces the difficult decision ahead.

"Aunt Bridget broke the tradition, so could you." I remind her of her mom 's rebellious choice to follow her heart instead of tradition.

"I am not tough or strong like dad, nor am I bold or rebellious as mom." Camilla answers, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. "Anyways, Josie might get impatient if I keep her waiting. Bye."

"Bye, see you."

— —- —- —- —— — — - - - - —— —— —-

"Is Mr. Young in his office?" I ask his secretary, Sarah..

Today is the first voting, and he might be busy or late because of that. Taehyung was damn sure he would win, so he planned a lunch date even though he didn't know the results.

"Yeah, he is in his office." Sarah gives me a sweet smile, her brown hair falling gently over her shoulders.

"Is the first voting over?" I ask, although it isn't my business.

"Yes." Sarah replies before tapping on her computer screen. "What is your name, Miss?"

"Sofia Volkov ." I reply, feeling a sense of relief that the first voting is finally done.

"You are the second person to have VIP access to his office after his mother. You must be his girlfriend, miss." Sarah looks wide-eyed at her computer screen, and pride fills my veins as I realize the significance of my relationship with him.

For the past two week, Taehyung and I have gone on several dates and spent almost every other night together in his house, christening every surface.

Yes, I am," I reply confidently, feeling a surge of happiness at the thought.

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