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[a week later]

"One..........two..........and........" I take a deep breath and press the'release' button. "Three. My sixth album is out now, folks!!"

I jump up and down on the floor while cheers erupt around me . The overwhelming sense of accomplishment washes over me as I bask in the excitement of sharing my hard work with the world.

Dad was the first person to reach me, enveloping me in a tight hug and whispering, "I'm so proud of you, little sunshine." He planted kisses on my forehead, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for his unwavering support on my musical journey. The unwavering love and encouragement from my family and friends ignite a fiery passion within me, propelling me to persist in crafting and unveiling my music to the universe.

"Thank you, dad." I say to him, hugging him back tightly. His belief in me has been my guiding light, and I know that with his love, I can achieve anything.

The next person to hug me is my mom , who wraps me in her arms and whispers, "You've worked so hard for this moment." Her words of encouragement and love fill me with warmth and gratitude, reminding me of the strength I have within me to pursue my dreams.

Whenever I release a new album, our unique family gathers to celebrate this milestone. Their steadfast support and love anchor me, fueling my drive to share my musical passion with the world.

Everyone is here, except Aunt Bridget and Uncle Rhys. They video-called me this morning, but it is a whole different experience when that person is in front of you.

"My successful little woman." Uncle J says while kissing my forehead.

"I am not little, J." I mutter, grinning fervously.

"You will be, for me, always." He says back , his eyes filled with pride.

Aunt J chimes in, her red hair looking beautiful as ever. "We are so proud of you, darling. Keep shining bright."

"Thank you, Aunt J." I thank her, kissing her cheek while doing so.

"Well, now let us talk about your new hot boyfriend." Aunt J gives me a wink , causing me to blush uncontrollably. "You're in love, aren't you sweetie?"

"No, she isn't." J says, clearly not liking the idea.

"Hey Joshy, it is not you who will decide whom she is going to love. It's her heart that will make that decision," Aunt J adds, giving Josh a pointed look.


"Oh, look Alex is gossiping with Christian alone. Don't you want to go?" Aunt J fakes her wonder and j looks into her direction finding indeed that Dad and Uncle Christian talking.

"That asshole is stealing my bestfriend again." J says and stomps over to them , clearly annoyed. Aunt J just chuckles at his reaction, knowing how he can get worked over Dad in a short time.

"Sometimes I feel he loves Alex more than me." Aunt J lets out a laugh, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Now, answer me."

"There is not anything that needs to be answered." I shrugged as if just a week before Taehyung and I didn't confess our feelings to one another.

"You know I will keep it a secret." Aunt J raises an eyebrow, her smile widening. "Well, I think he is here." She tips her glass towards where Taehyung just entered with Marco, looking absolutely catastrophe for my ovaries. The all black outfit he was wearing only emphasized his tall, lean figure and the way his hair fell perfectly over his forehead. I couldn't help but feel my heart race at the sight of him, wondering if Aunt J could read my thoughts just by the look on my face.

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