48. It's just business

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I stormed into the closet and began venting my frustration on the stockings I was putting on. I managed to ruin five pairs before I calmed down enough to put them on without damaging them.

Fully dressed, I returned to the kitchen, where Victor was calmly enjoying his oatmeal. He smiled at me pleasantly as if nothing had happened, but I couldn't force my facial muscles to cooperate, resulting in a grimace that barely resembled a smile.

– What? – he asked, looking genuinely puzzled.

The little voice inside me sighed dramatically and rolled its eyes ostentatiously, but I only raised my eyebrows slightly.

– She calls you "sweetheart"? – I asked, giving him a meaningful look.

Victor quickly caught on but didn't seem particularly concerned. He waved dismissively and took another spoonful of oatmeal.

– Come on – he muttered with stoic calm after swallowing his last bite – she said that on purpose to annoy you.

– She didn't know it was me – I pointed out, as the little voice inside me shifted uneasily and cranked up its alertness to maximum. It was at least strange that my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend was so casually familiar with him. – I didn't say anything. She just started right away when I answered.

Victor finally seemed to take my concerns more seriously. He set his breakfast aside, carefully wiped his mouth with a napkin, and looked me straight in the eye with calm composure.

– Just because you're smart doesn't mean she is – he declared, giving me a warm, reassuring smile, presumably to soothe me. – She called me, so she assumed I'd answer.

If that answer was supposed to dispel any doubts I had about Lena's intentions toward my boyfriend, it didn't work – in fact, it had the opposite effect.

– So, she normally talks to you like that? – I asked, now clearly worried, not even trying to hide my unease.

Victor sighed softly and didn't respond immediately. Instead, he stood up, approached me with his arms outstretched, and when he was close enough, he wrapped me in a hug and finally spoke.

– She does. She often touches me and does all sorts of things she shouldn't – he said, still in a calm, matter-of-fact tone. – And she doesn't respond when I call her out on it. That's just how she is. She's... – He hesitated, seemingly searching for the right words. – Kind of like a female version of me – he finished, looking at me with a serene calm in his eyes. – Don't worry about her. I'll finish the project for her, and she'll be out of our lives. You won't hear about her again.

Looking into the chocolate eyes of my love, held in his embrace, I was ready to let go of this whole silly investigation and end it with a smile in his direction. But the little creature inside me was still in detective mode.

– What is her scarf doing in his car? – it asked, narrowing its eyes suspiciously and disrupting the peace I had just attained.

– So what is her scarf doing in your car? – I parroted after it. – You have a stationary office, right?

– She probably left it when I gave her a ride – Vic replied without batting an eye, tightening his arms around me. – You really have nothing to worry about. I'm flattered that you're jealous, but there's really no reason to be concerned. She always pulled stunts like this, and that's probably not going to change. Don't worry about her.

As I felt the cocoon of my beloved's arms around me, a magical warmth spread through my body, gradually relaxing my tense muscles, and all my fears slowly faded away. Victor must have sensed this, because he carefully loosened his hold and gently stepped back. He gave me a soft kiss on the lips and returned to the remnants of his breakfast, but as soon as he was away from me, another question started to press on my mind.

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