Chapter 23

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"Oh my god, are you kidding me?" I exclaim, covering my eyes with both hands.


"Fucking hell." Madden grunts from the other side of the large shelf and the girl pressed against it shrieks, pulling down her skirt and whirling my way.

A few moments later, his voice sounds again. "You can uncover your eyes, little minx."

Cautiously, I do so, seeing the blonde's face flushed red though she tries to raise her chin. He has righted his clothes behind her, thank goodness I was once again saved from that view, and is now leaning forward, arms laid on one shelf and his head showing through the big opening.

"Are you trying to find me in promiscuous positions at this point?" He asks.

"No! Ew! God, I... Ew!" I lift my hands, attempting to push away the suggestion itself. "You." I exhale. "Are a heathen. And I want no part in...whatever... oh my god."

The girl clears her throat and puts a possessive hand on his arm, looking at me as if I'm messing with something that's hers.

Madden glances down at her and uses his opposite hand to pinch the sleeve of her shirt at the wrist, lifting it off of him and then letting it go.

She looks at him, confused.

"What? You thought this was going to be more than a hookup?"

"I..." She begins, becoming flustered, her previous confidence crumbling. "I thought that-"

"You thought wrong." He cuts her off. "I don't do relationships. And I bet you fucking know that. Don't get ahead of yourself thinking that you're an exception."


She turns even redder and ten suddenly pins narrowed eyes at me before looking back at him. "Is it her?" The word is spat with venom. "Is she why?"

"Are you insane?" We both rear back at the same time. His contained the extra word of "fucking" before the last one though.

"Why on earth would you say something like that? I would rather shave my head and die!" I put a hand to my stomach, feeling ill.

"Never in a million fucking years would I even dream of touching her. What is wrong with you?" He physically takes two steps back.

She glances between the two of us and upon seeing the clear disgust on each of our faces, she seems to calm down a little.

"Then, what?" She folds her arm over her chest.

He sighs. "Listen, Blair-"

"Briony." She corrects him, tone still tinged with enthusiasm.

"Right." He carries on. "Don't act like you thought that this wasn't what I clearly said that it was. I've spoken a total of probably thirty words to you in my life, all of which are from today."

"But we've seen each other before. In the dining hall and at events!"

Oh, this poor girl. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't seriously thinking she could make this whore monogamous.

Excuse my language.

He looks like he's trying to figure out when it is that he's seen her face.

And in unison we say...

When he gives up, he shakes his head. "Bethany-"

"Briony." She seems to be getting frustrated.

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