Chapter 15

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Thank fuck there is only a week before spring break.

After seeing that little minx's face around after our interactions over the past few weeks, I can't be glad enough to be rid of it.

I'll be far fucking away.

On that note, I get a call for a Group FaceTime.

"Hey." I greet, then drop my phone to my bed whilst I rub a towel over my hair, drying it a little from the shower I just had.

"Sup." Oak does the same.

"Hey." Angel and Jeremy address.

"What?" Dare and Luca come onto the screen.

I walk over to where I put some clothes onto the covers and slide on some sweats before grabbing the phone again and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What a warm greeting." Oakley says.

"The fuck do you want? I'm busy." Dare replies.

"Darius. Don't be rude. They want to talk to you." The sweet voice filters into the audio and he looks to his right.

"They're interrupting my time with you, malyshka. Are you happy about that?"

"Well, you just called me dumb. So yes, I am."

"Woah, you called her dumb?" Jeremy interjects.

"Pinkie Pie, say the word and I'll rob his knife collection." Angel adds.

"It was a joke." Darius glares at Angel. "And you touch my knives, I tel Thea you were the one who broke her mom's favourite vase, not her cat."

"You wouldn't fucking dare." Angel narrows his eyes, all humour now gone.

"Wouldn't I?" Darius taunts.

"If I'm dead, who's going to be good to you, huh? Like when I went all the way to you to replace your damaged motorcycle with your car so that you could take Tella home safely after literally crashing her date?"

"Morherfu-" Dare starts but his girlfriend's gasp breaks him off.

She comes into the screen, her beautiful face holding a shocked expression. "Hey! You were in on that?"

"I was Pinkie Pie. Because I'm a good, loyal friend. A good, loyal friend who is always being taken for granted."

"A good, loyal friend who should have wiped out on that busted motorcycle."


"You just heard him, darling. He was in on it."

"Because of you."

His eyes shoot wide. "You're blaming me for his behaviour? If I jumped off of a cliff, should he?" He moves positions so that he's sat more up and Tella drops her head in her hand.

"You're ridiculous."  She tells him.

"I am not ridiculous."

"Arguable." Luca mutters.

Darius ignores him.

"And besides, I don't remember you protesting too hard after I explained myself." He quirks a brow. "Do you?"

She lifts her head, mouth opening and closing. "Are you being- I only let it go after I nearly had a heart attack and called to make sure he wasn't dead!"

"And even if he were, you'd still be here with me. So really, what difference did it make?"

She stares at him, utterly speechless.

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