The Crimson Beast (For women)

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A shadow hangs over you, the sun's light blocked out by the strongest beast you've ever encountered. It's scales and skin were the shade of crimson, spikes along its back and shoulders flared out and fell onto its tail, it's limbs were powerful, muscled and chunky ,ideal for destroying anything and everything in its path, it's spikes, horns and claws were tinged black at the tips, with hair that hung around its face like drying, congealed blood. Safi'Jiva had arrived as you knew he would and the sight of him brought a grin to your lips.

Though it was incredibly taboo, you had fallen for this majestic monster and have been courting him for past two months. Originally, you had been sent to scout a new camp for the Guild, however, you quickly found the monsters here were out your skill set, the first day an Ebony Odagoron almost killed you, only thanks to a passing Palico pack you were able to survive. The monster had destroyed your equipment, tools and anything you could use to get back to the Guild, so you've been living with the native palico's, thankfully you could speak enough to communicate your predicament.

They've taught you how to navigate the dense forest and gave you one of their weapons to use. After two weeks, a hunting party left and came back with a large red scale that you recognised from legendary hunter armour. A Safi'Jiva had begun hunting there, and it was already causing great destruction. The native population had a underground home so they could afford not to move far, what they couldn't afford was being found.

Safi'Jiva didn't bother with them, instead, it killed the strongest monsters, one by one over the weeks, seeing that Ebony Odagoron reduced to scraps of meat, bone and hide was oddly satisfying.

One day during a scavenging mission, you came face to face with Safi'Jiva. The area had hone quiet, the normally bustling noise of insects and cacophony of birds were silenced, a chill crept up your spine and you turned to flee. But a hard chest and thick, large clawed hands held you in place. The touch of him was gentle, but firm, he was curious, as you were. You'd heard of humanoid monsters before, but never saw one. At first you thought it was another hunter and you hugged him, but as you felt the heat of him, the spikes behind him and the smell of fresh blood over you, it sent a spark of panic through you.

To your surprise, he didn't rip you apart, instead, he sniffed your hair, poorly cared for and fairly greasy from the lack of modern supplies, held you back and seemed to accept you.

Having only seen armour and heard stories of Safi'Jiva, you were unaware just how much of a ditch you were digging yourself.

His eyes were a piercing yellow, rings of acidic gold that mesmerised you. His body was carved and sturdy, his skin just as thick as the scales and spikes that covered him. His tail flared out into a cluster of spikes, his arms were large with big draconic hands and feet, though he visibly had abs and little fat, he was very square, ripped with more give around his chest, shoulders and legs.

He smiled at you and studied you intently when you let go of him and stepped away, his horns atop his head looking like a crown, a crown for the king of monsters. His voice was deep, the sort that you remember in your dreams that echoed onto your waking moments.

"Hello beautiful" He said, it was in palico language, but he spoke, you never knew monsters, even elder dragons with increased intelligence couldn't speak. But he could.

He told you in simple ways that he was there in search of a mate, that it was his first breeding season that he wanted to participate in. For some reason, his feral charm, deep you've and amazing body mesmerised you. Not love at first sight by any means, but you fell fast and hard for this exotic, powerful monster.

Since then, you've been teaching him more palico words slowly and building a bond. He left the palico hunters alone, sometimes dropping off his finished kills and shed scales. You two got closer and closer, then he started being affectionate, rubbing his face over your hair, touching you more often, leaving precious rocks and bones for you, following you around and waiting until nightfall leave your side.

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