Chapter 34 - Ghost Temple

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"Hey, we're back!" Harumi's cheerful shout rang in Cole's ears.

Cool. He didn't even take his eyes off the screen, and just continued playing, when suddenly the jade ninja burst into the room.

"And we have a guest! Their name is Raven, and they're super cool!" She pulled closer another white haired person. 'Raven' had a scar across their unmoving, cold face.

They looked like the type that would absolutely keep an actual raven as a pet.

"She's staying here for the night, and-" Harumi was not gonna let go of this poor soul now. Although maybe it would be great for her to finally have a friend outside the ninja team. It's absolutely not like they were getting tired of her energy, that she seemed to develop after moving out of the palace, but maybe someone else could absorb some of that...

"Aaand he's the serial killer Sky's been hunting down for months." Zane stepped in, breaking the news, brutally. Ookay, Cole had to get them out of the house as quickly as possible. And scratch everything he said about her getting a friend. It was NOT going to be THIS PERSON.

"He/She/They by the way." They said unexpectedly, his face unmoving and hands crossed on her chest.

Harumi just smiled brighter and started telling them something, and leading him out of the room. And when they were walking out, Cole felt Raven's gaze drilling into him.

He looked up only to see her staring at him silently. After a few milliseconds they turned away, and he could swear he saw her eyes flashing at him one last time.

Oh FSM. Oh lord! This murderer was in their house and probably plotting to kill them in their sleep. What the heck?! How did that ever happen?

"I fully agree with you, my friend. We have to get them out of the Temple." Zane's voice made him realize that his fear and anxieties were probably fully displayed on his face.

"Okay, what shall we do?"

"We call the cops"


She was having a blast! Raven was listening to her every word! When she told him about her life in the palace, and what a pain it was to have well-known parents, what was probably relatable to them, because a flash of recognition appeared in their eyes for a second.

"Oh, you know, Jay is a really sweet guy, but he likes math and machines and all this stuff, and I prefer art. I'm actually trying out knitting right now, and having a blast with it! I even made a little bee-! Oh." Her river of words came to a halt, upon opening what she thought were 'guest room' door. Inside was a total mess, clothes lying around and- is that an empty can?

In the center of the room stood a bed with green sheets thrown right next to it. It was Lloyd's room.

"Oh, sorry. Looks like we don't have any empty guest rooms. You can still sleep in my room, if that's okay with you." She proposed to her guest, and they nodded.

"It's okay" Their voice reached Rumi's ears. They didn't mind and were grateful, trying to mask it somehow with a neutral, almost bored tone.

But she could see right through that act.

"Okay then, come on, I gotta show you my drawings!"


Okay, turns out that the police can't do anything, because 'it's out of Ninjago City' so it apparently doesn't fall under their jurisdiction.

Zane tried also calling different cities and towns around, and it turns out the floating islands are no one's territory. Huh, he's gonna have to tell Sky about this pothole. Someone has to fix it.

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