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| CHAPTER FOURTEEN; Spying Men | ——————————————————

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ROGAR COULD sense that Princess Rhaelys did not like him. Although she had insisted on him staying in her chambers as she wrote a letter to the unknown, and had even offered him a cup of wine, it was clear that he was truly unwelcome in her presence. No matter how much she attempted to hide her dismay.

She was not used to an unknown man watching over her and was sure that Aemond had done this out of spite. But she would do her best to hide her true feelings from Aemond, she did not want him to feel as though he had won. Because their war was only beginning...

Rogar's mind was conflicted, to say the least. He did not blame the Princess for being weary of him and slightly cold toward him. He had heard the tales, he had heard the whispers. He too would have been distant to a man he did not know, suddenly watching him like a hawk.

The Northerner knew of his true job. While it was true that he was now the girl's sworn protector, that was not his only job. Aemond had made it more than clear that Rogar would be reporting back to him every night. Reporting of how the princess was acting, where she was going, and who she was speaking to. And what exactly was she saying each time?

He did not like Aemond, he seemed overly confident in himself and much too prideful. A sin, he thought. The Prince was unkind and looked down his nose at him, even if the Hornwood was the same height as Aemond.

Back in the North, Rogar was taught not to accept disrespect toward him. Not even from his superiors. Rogars mother and father had not been kind to him, that much was true. But they never hesitated to teach him their proper way of life. They loved him, even if they were not good at showing it. And he knew this.

Rogar did not like the fact that he was expected to act as Aemond's little spy. He didn't know if he wanted to do it. He had sworn to Aegon and Rhaelys, not the one-eyed, untrustworthy man.

He felt obligated to Rhaelys already, and he felt wrong about having to go behind her back. Granted, he didn't know her. But he did have morals and loyalty.

He wondered if it was better to lie to the Prince Aemond about what went on in Rhaelys' privacy. But would the Prince know? He'd have to think about this risky situation...

Rhaelys folded the paper and hid in it, using her body to shield Rogar's eyes from catching the spot. In return, Rogar cursed himself in his head, rolling his eyes.

"Well, you might as well sit." Rhaelys sighed tiredly as she stood up, grief covering her face before she rubbed at it. As if trying to message herself from the internal pain. "If you shall be my protector, I assume we should become friends." She disclosed, locking eyes with him.

He stayed in his spot by the doors, staring at her. She stared back, noticing the hesitation and confusion in his face. "Should we not?" She spoke again, clearly growing tired of him not listening.

"I apologize, Princess." He replied, making his way to the seat. She sat on the couch, lying sideways as if she did not care that a man was in her presence.

Rogar sat down in the smaller chair, stiff as a board. Clearly an awkward boy. He waited for her to acknowledge him once again.

"Why do you not accept Rhaenrya as your Queen?" Rhaelys unexpectedly spoke. Rogar was visibly caught off guard, accidentally letting out a small laugh. "What?" She asked.

He shook his head, "I apologize. It— it is just that it was very forward." He admits with a smile. Rhaelys let out a small smile as well, making the boy blush unintentionally. "Women should not sit the throne."

Rhaelys disagreed, of course. But she could not blame him, he was a Northern man who grew up around many other men who were most likely much more manly than he. "You do not think a very intelligible woman can rule?"

"Didn't say that, Princess." Rogar denied this suggestion, "I simply believe that a Queen would not be respected enough, doubted too strongly. Which would cause internal and external conflict. Battle, War, and jeopardy to the lives of innocents."

Rhaelys thought this was very clever. Maybe he wasn't half bad, she assumed. "Do you think me innocent?" She dared to ask.

Rogar hesitated to answer, fearing that the woman would be angered by his answer. "No." He shook his head, the two maintaining intense eye contact. "And yet, I am no saint either."

"I always did hate liars," Rhaelys spoke, Rogar not understanding what she meant. "Tis a good thing you are not one, Rogar."

Later that day, Rogar had been ordered by Larys that he was needed elsewhere. Rogar excused himself as Larys requested for Rhaelys to stay in her chamber, saying that the people of Kings Landing were angered after being locked in by the gates. She feigned fear and worry, nodding and agreeing that she would stay in her chamber.

She waited long enough for Larys to leave before she discreetly exited her chamber. She walked the halls, making sure Larys nor Aemond caught her. But as she caught sight of Rogar and Aemond, she paused and hid behind a pillar.

She could tell that her Uncle was being unkind to her protector, which annoyed but did not surprise her. But as she realized what had just taken place, she grew angry. Angry at both of them. To think that she took a liking to the Hornwood man so quickly.

She wouldn't make that mistake again, she assumed.

She went back to her chamber, fists clenched to her sides as she walked. She entered her chambers quickly, pausing when her eyes landed on a handmaiden.

She did not recognize this one. She could tell that she was one of the new ones that Aemond had told her about. The Handmaidens froze and bent over at Rhaelys' desk. She was ever so obviously going through her things to find the letter. She then knew that Rogar had ratted her out without a thought.

"May I help you?" Rhaelys smiled falsely, the smile not reaching her irritated eyes. The woman did not answer, guilty as a thief. And as Rhaelys came flying toward her speedily, the girl jumped back in fear and pressed her back against the stone wall beside Rhaelys' bed.

"Milady, I—," Rhaelys cut her off with a slap, the loud crack echoing through the room.

The young girl's eyes teared up, her face reddening. The Princess hated to strike the girl of ten and two, but she knew it had to be done. Aemond and Rogar were traitorous, deceitful snakes and Rhaelys would not accept this treatment.

Rhaelys clicked her tongue, now gently rubbing the young girl's soft cheek lovingly. "You should have remained with your mother, Sweetling." She sighed in dismay, knowing nothing good would come for this child. "You may go." She let go of her, leaving the little girl to scurry out of the room.

The vengeful girl yanked the letter from under her plant, staring blankly at it.

Dear, Uncle Daemon Targaryen...it began with.

It was not finished yet, but when it was? Well...


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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒕 | 𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑺𝑬 𝑶𝑭 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑶𝑵 |Where stories live. Discover now