7: Police and Phone Calls

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It's finally time to execute our plan. I pull on my black hoodie, and slip on my gloves. I put my sunglasses on as well, even though it is pitch black outside.

I face Jason, who is wearing almost identical clothes to me- gloves, leggings, joggers, jumper with the hoodie pulled up, black mask, and sunglasses. I can tell he's grinning. We walk out of the bedroom, and I get the black duffel bag that has been sitting on our countertop for the past day.

''In, do our thing, then straight out, understand?'' Jason tells me. I nod. ''And we wont wait for each other if we get separated in a police chase, instead lose them and endeavours behind Woolworths. Jason nods. We get our scooters, and head outside.

The journey to our school is nerve racking. We stay out of sight, just in case. I mean, two teenagers, wearing all black, in the middle of the night, is bound to cause suspicion.

We enter from the back, dumping our scooters at the back of the equipment shed. Jason stands guard while I pick the lock. I asked Hermes for a blessing tonight, and it seems he answered my call, because the lock picks easily.

Once we are inside, I open my backpack to reveal two spray cans. I pass one to Jason, and we get to work.

I spray things onto the walls, things that our classmates say to us daily.

You suck. Loser. Since when could someone be so dumb? FREAK! Nerd. Suck up!!

It feels good to let that stuff out.

Me and Jason stick together, and are about to leave when we hear sirens directly outside, and footsteps that aren't ours. I put our cans down, and we make a break for it. But searchlights follow, and someone catches my shoulder, shining their torchlight into my face.

Me and Jason are dragged into the back of the police car. They tell us we need to take our masks and sunnies off, and tell them our names. We do so, and the first officer nods.

Jason glances at me, clearly asking if I'm going to charmspeak them. I shake my head, and make a tapping gesture on my wrist. Not now. Later.

The first officer, the one nodded, slips me a note from the passenger seat which makes me curse.

Don't even think about it. You might be one of the Seven, but I'm a daughter of Aphrodite too.

Written in Greek. With a Latin translation.

I show the note to Jason, who bites his lip.

We are cooked. Charmspeak was the one solution I had to not being sentenced into prison. And if we tried anything, the daughter of Aphrodite would shut it down. I wish I knew her name, and I feel like I recgonise her, but I don't know her name. I think it starts with L. Leila?

We arrive at the station, and are thrown into holding cell. The daughter of Aphrodite comes up to us.

''Hey. So, my name is Lauren, and yes, I am who I say I am. And now you have to give us parental contact information. So, who is it going to be?''

Ah, Lauren. Yep.

Doesn't ring a bell. But she seems genuine, so I believe her.

I have one question. ''Do you guys leave voicemails?''

Lauren shakes her head. ''Not unless none of the family contacts you give us answer. Voicemailing is a last resort...so knowing your situations, choose wisely''

I nod. ''Okay, my parents are Annabeth Chase, and Percy Jackson, Jasons parents are Leo Valdez and Cassandra Vasil'' Jason looks at me in alarm. Lauren nods. ''Mhm...'' She drops to a whisper ''are Percabeth and Caleo in on this?'' She asks. I shake my head. She quirks an eyebrow and leaves.

Jason turns to me. ''Now why the absolute Hell would you do that?'' He exclaims. I smile ''Jason, New York and Indiana are in completely different time zones to California. I think it's about midnight there. Everyone will be asleep with their phones on silent'' Jason nods.

''Well, lets see if our friends are night owls who know the Californian police number or not''


Me and Percy were asleep, when my phone rang. It woke me up with a call from an unrecognizable number, so I declined. About a minute later, Percys phone rang. He mumbled something and declined. ''Guess the scammers like us a lot'' I mumbled, as I drifted into a nightmare filled haze.


I was at the park again, chilling. My phone rang with an unknown number. And because I'm not dumb enough to answer a stranger, I declined.


My phone rang. I was hanging with Regina, and didn't have time for scammers, so I declined. Its not like it was an important call anyway.


Lauren came back. ''surprise, no one answered. So now we have to ask, are their any aunts, uncles, or anyone who lives around here? If not, we are going to have to voicemail those parents of yours, and tell them that their...kids...have been up to trouble'' Her voice dropped to a whisper ''And I will definitely drop a pic of you guys on Demigod Insta if no one picks up, by the way''

I sucked my breath in. Everyone glanced at me. ''Well, my grandma is called Hazel Levesque'' Jason startled a giggle, knowing Hazel was actually from a way earlier time ''and my...uncle is Frank Zhang, they live about half an hour from here. And Jasons uh...grandma is Reyna'' Jason flat out snorted ''Is about the same time too'' Lauren nodded. ''What is Reynas last name, Jason?'' ''Avila Ramirez Arellano.''

''So...grandma RARA, uncle Frank, and good old grammie Hazel are our back ups?''

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