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"Well, it could have been worse," Hoshi reassured Woozi after he recounted what happened with Yuna the previous night.

"You don't get it, Hoshi. That was her first impression of me," Woozi lamented, feeling disappointed in himself.

"I messed up," he added with a sigh.

"I'm sure she will understand once you meet her again," Scoups chimed in, trying to console him. He couldn't help but feel partially responsible for what happened.

Weeks had passed since Woozi and Yuna's brief encounter at the nightclub in Seoul, and even longer since Woozi first heard Yuna's band perform. The anticipation and frustration were palpable among both Woozi and the band members as they waited anxiously for a response from the agency.

Back in their small town, Yuna and her friends resumed their daily routines. Even though they were back to their usual lives, there was a palpable excitement in the air. Heejin eagerly checked Yuna's email whenever she could, hoping for any updates.

"I can't stop thinking about that meeting," Yuna admitted one evening as they gathered at the night bar before their performance.

"You guys were amazing. I have a good feeling about this," Heejin replied with a supportive smile.

"I just hope we hear from them soon," Joon added, tapping his fingers anxiously on the table.

"They said they would give us the answer in a week, it's been weeks and still nothing," Minho sighed with frustration during one of their late-night rehearsals.

Yuna glanced at her bandmates, sensing their collective unease. The initial excitement of the contract offer from Pledis Entertainment had slowly given way to restlessness and uncertainty. Each passing day without a response heightened their anxiety.

"It's strange. They were so prompt with the initial meeting and the offer," Joon added, adjusting his keyboard.

"They probably have a lot to consider. It's a big decision for them too," Soyeon reasoned, trying to stay optimistic.

Heejin, who had been tirelessly checking Yuna's email for any updates, joined in, "Let's not lose hope just yet. These things take time."

Yuna nodded in agreement, though she couldn't shake the worry gnawing at her. She understood the complexities involved in such decisions, especially for a prestigious entertainment company like Pledis. However, the waiting game was taking its toll on their spirits.

"We've come this far. We just need to be patient a little longer," Yuna reassured them, her voice filled with determination.


"I don't get it," Woozi muttered to Jisoo, the frustration evident in his voice. "Why make them wait this long?"

Jisoo sighed, understanding Woozi's concerns but also knowing the complexities behind the decision-making process at the agency. "It was better to finish the promotion of the album first," she explained carefully. "We wanted to give this decision the attention it deserves."

"But months?" Woozi couldn't hide his disappointment.

Jisoo nodded sympathetically. "I know, and we all supported your idea to bring them in. I thought it would be better if you could personally help them, guide them through this."

"Sometimes these things take time, especially with schedules and other priorities." she added.

Woozi rubbed his temples, feeling the weight of responsibility for Yuna and her band. He could only imagine how they felt waiting in uncertainty all this time.

"It just feels like a joke now," Woozi admitted, frustration lacing his tone. "I hope they'll still agree after all this."

Jisoo placed a reassuring hand on Woozi's shoulder. "They will. We're just sorting out the final details. I promise we'll have an answer soon."

Woozi nodded, trying to trust Jisoo's words. Deep down, he wanted nothing more than for Yuna and her band to get the opportunity they deserved. But the waiting game was taking its toll on everyone involved.

Not long after Woozi and Jisoo's discussion, Jisoo happily announced the email had been sent. Woozi couldn't help but hope Yuna wouldn't turn the offer down.


The days seemed to crawl by as the band continued to practice, each member feeling the weight of uncertainty. Heejin's voice suddenly pierced through the air in the middle of one session, causing everyone to gather around her.

"We got an email!" Heejin screamed with excitement, her eyes wide as she held up her phone.

The band members crowded around, their hearts pounding with nervous anticipation. Yuna hesitated for a moment before opening the email. The room fell silent as she read the message, her expression shifting from apprehension to relief and joy.

"It's from the Pledis," Heejin announced, her excitement palpable. "Let's open it!"

Joon reached out, his hands trembling slightly from the mix of nerves and anticipation. Heejin tapped the screen, and the email appeared, filling the screen with its contents.

The words seemed to blur momentarily as Yuna's heart pounded in her chest. After what felt like an eternity, Joon's eyes widened, and he let out a whoop of joy.
Yuna leaned in closer, trying to read over

"We got it!" Joon exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement. "They want to sign us!"

The rest of the band erupted into cheers and hugs, relief washing over them like a tidal wave. Yuna felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, overwhelmed with emotion. This was it—the moment they had been dreaming of, the breakthrough they had worked so hard for.

Heejin beamed proudly at Yuna, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I knew it! I knew they'd see your talent!"

Tunes of Love | Woozi (Seventeen)Where stories live. Discover now