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In the meanwhile Yuna decided to step outside for some fresh air. She found herself on the balcony, where Minghao was already standing.

“Is it okay if I stay out here with you?” Yuna asked, a bit hesitant.

“Of course,” Minghao replied with a warm smile.

The silence between them was noticeable, but Yuna was determined to break the ice.

“So, how are you finding everything so far?” she asked, trying to start a conversation.

Minghao looked thoughtful for a moment. “It’s been a lot to take in, but I’m really enjoying it. You?”

“I feel the same way,” Yuna said, nodding. “It’s a bit overwhelming, but it’s exciting too. Especially with all the support from Seventeen.”

Minghao smiled. “Yeah, we’ve been trying to help out as much as we can. It’s great to see how well you’re all fitting in.”

Yuna smiled back. “Thank you. It means a lot to us.”

There was a brief pause before Minghao spoke again. “I’ve noticed you and Woozi seem close. How’s that going?”

Yuna’s cheeks flushed slightly. “We’ve been working a lot together. He’s been a huge help.”

Minghao’s eyes twinkled as he winked. “I saw you sneaking out a few times.”

“Uh, well—” Yuna began, a bit flustered.

“I guess we enjoyed each other’s company a lot,” she admitted with a shy smile.

Minghao chuckled.

“I didn’t know you were so observant,” Yuna added giving him a soft smile.

“I may not speak much, but I notice everything,” Minghao replied playfully.

As Minghao was speaking he noticed Woozi standing nearby on the balcony. Woozi looked a bit confused, his expression reflecting a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Minghao couldn’t help but laugh at the sight.

“I guess I have to go now,” Minghao said, preparing to leave.

Yuna watched him go, puzzled by the sudden departure. When she turned back, Woozi was now standing there, his gaze focused on her.

“Hey,” Yuna said, trying to read his expression.

Woozi’s voice carried a hint of tension. “What were you talking about?”

Yuna glanced at him, sensing the shift in his mood. “Just some casual conversation.”

Woozi’s expression remained guarded, his thoughts racing. The conversation he’d had with Minho, Jeonghan and Soyeon made him more aware of his feelings. Seeing Yuna with someone else stirred up an unfamiliar, uncomfortable emotion inside him.

“Is everything okay?” Yuna asked, noticing his change in demeanor.

Woozi nodded, though his eyes betrayed a hint of frustration. “Yeah, it’s fine.”

He wanted to address his feelings but wasn’t sure how. His jealousy, fueled by his conversations and his own confusion, left him grappling with how to move forward.

Yuna sensed that there was more to his reaction and decided to stay quiet, giving him space to process his emotions.

Yuna looked outside, sticking her head out. “We’re here again,” she said, a soft smile on her face.

Woozi joined her at the railing, his earlier tension slowly easing as he looked out at the night sky. “I guess this has become our spot.”

“Seems like it,” Yuna agreed, her eyes reflecting the starlight. “We always end up here, watching the stars together.”

Woozi looked at her, the familiar comfort of their shared moments starting to overshadow his earlier jealousy. “It’s nice, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is,” Yuna said, her gaze returning to the stars. “It feels like our little escape from everything.”

There was a moment of silence, filled with the quiet hum of the night. Woozi glanced at Yuna, appreciating the serene companionship they shared in this space.

“Thank you,” Yuna said softly.

“You say that a lot, don’t you?” Woozi remarked with a gentle smile.

“I do,” Yuna admitted. “I’m just really thankful.”

Yuna’s eyes softened. “You’ve done so much for us, for me. I feel like I owe you.”

Woozi shook his head gently. “You don’t owe me anything. Just keep being yourself, and that’s more than enough for me.”

Yuna smiled, feeling a wave of warmth and gratitude.

The night was calm and serene, their conversation a quiet testament to the bond they shared.

Tunes of Love | Woozi (Seventeen)Where stories live. Discover now