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"OMG Yuna, wake up! Wake up!" Heejin's urgent voice pierced through Yuna's drowsiness.

"What's going on?" Yuna mumbled, still half-asleep.

"You guys made it! You made it!" Heejin exclaimed, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Made what?" Yuna asked groggily, trying to wake up.

"I can't believe it. I'm almost crying," Heejin said breathlessly.

Yuna sighed, still trying to grasp what was happening. "Just five more minutes," she pleaded, wanting to go back to sleep.

"No, wake up! You don't want to miss this," Heejin insisted.

Annoyed but curious, Yuna finally sat up. "What are you talking about?"

Heejin thrust the laptop in front of Yuna. "An agency contacted you guys. They want to have a meeting with you," she said, her voice trembling with excitement as she read the email aloud.

Yuna rubbed her eyes and scanned the email. Suddenly, realization dawned on her, and she couldn't believe her eyes. She jumped up, screaming in joy.

"We... we don't even have a name yet," Yuna exclaimed, trying to process the news.

"I just talked to the guys about that yesterday. How is this possible?" she wondered aloud.

"Maybe it's the people Jin was talking about. Either way, you need to reply right now," Heejin urged, her excitement matching Yuna's.

Both girls were beyond thrilled. As Yuna shared the news with the band members, she still couldn't believe it. Just yesterday, they had discussed moving forward, not fully aware of how challenging and costly their dream might be. Now, receiving this email, it felt like their hard work and determination were finally paying off.

"Next week? That's early," Minho exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise.

"I still can't believe it. This isn't a prank, right?" Soyeon asked nervously.

"I promise you, I'm as surprised as you guys. It feels like a dream," Yuna replied, her voice filled with excitement and disbelief.

After Yuna called to share the news, the band gathered at a coffee shop nearby.

"I'm sure it's not a prank, guys. The email sounded pretty serious," Heejin reassured them. Even though she wasn't part of the band, she shared in their excitement. Knowing her friends' dream could finally come true, she was ready to support them in any way she could.


Back in Seoul, Jisoo was eager to share the news with Woozi.

"We already got a reply," Jisoo said with a smile.

Woozi nodded, relieved. "Don't worry, we didn't mention anything about you and Seventeen," Jisoo reassured him.

"Thank you for that," Woozi replied gratefully.

"I still don't understand why you want to keep your identity a secret," Jisoo admitted curiously.

"It's not that I want to keep it a secret. I just want them to feel like they achieved this without any external pressure," Woozi explained.

"Believe me, they did everything on their own. Yes, you introduced them to us, but we wouldn't have considered taking them in if they weren't as talented as they are," Jisoo assured him.

"The meeting is next week," Jisoo continued. "I'll keep you updated."

Woozi felt a rush of happiness hearing that they had responded so quickly. He couldn't wait to see how Yuna and her band had developed their music. And, of course, he was eager to finally meet Yuna herself—the girl who had made such a profound impact on him overnight. Even his fellow members had noticed the change in him and had discussed it a few days earlier.


A few days ago, Woozi had overheard their conversation between Scoups, Hoshi, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, and Mingyu without them knowing.

"Have you noticed how Woozi's been acting differently lately?" Seungkwan asked curiously.

Hoshi nodded. "Yeah, ever since that night at the bar. He seems more relaxed, more open somehow."

"He's even taking breaks without us nagging him," Mingyu added with a grin.

"I overheard him humming a tune the other day," Wonwoo chimed in. "He seemed lost in thought."

Scoups, the leader, observed quietly. "It's like meeting Yuna has brought out a new side of him."

"I think she's had a positive influence on him," Jeonghan remarked thoughtfully.

Seungkwan nodded in agreement. "Whatever it is, he seems happier."

Woozi couldn't help but wonder about the effect Yuna had on him. How could someone he had never even spoken to have such an impact?

Tunes of Love | Woozi (Seventeen)Where stories live. Discover now