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After the meeting, Jisoo saw an impatient Woozi waiting for her in front of her office. As soon as he saw Jisoo, he walked up to her, his face filled with anticipation.

"How did the meeting go?" Woozi asked eagerly.

Jisoo smiled, reassuring him. "It went okay. They have a lot of potential. We gathered a lot of useful information."

Woozi seemed relieved but still wanted to hear more. "What did they say? How did they present themselves?"

Jisoo chuckled. "Why didn’t you come with me if you wanted to know so much?"

Woozi blinked, a bit taken aback. "I didn't want to intrude. This is important for them."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow, teasingly. "Maybe you would like to hear more about her."

Woozi blushed slightly, shaking his head. "That's not true. I'm just curious, that's all."

"Right," Jisoo said with a knowing smile. "Well, they did a great job. Yuna spoke for the band. She was confident and clear about their goals and struggles. The others were supportive and added their thoughts too."

Woozi nodded, absorbing the details. "Did they seem ready for this?"

Jisoo thought for a moment. "They’re passionate and hardworking. But moving from local bars to the big stage is a huge leap. They’ll need guidance and support."

"Of course," Woozi agreed. "I believe they can do it with the right help."

Jisoo patted his shoulder. "And I think you’ll be a big part of that help. Don’t worry, we’ll give them the best chance possible."

"Thanks, Jisoo," Woozi said, feeling more at ease. He was determined to see Yuna and her band succeed, not just for their talent but because something about her voice and presence had sparked a change in him. He couldn’t wait to see where this journey would take them all.

Happy to share the news, Woozi headed to the practice room where he was certain his fellow members would be. Bursting in, he found them taking a break and eagerly began to relay the details of the meeting.

"So, did you meet her?" Seungkwan asked, his curiosity evident.

"I mean, I saw her. It was enough," Woozi replied, trying to downplay his interest.

"Oh boy, that's not how you win a woman's heart," Jeonghan teased, a grin spreading across his face.

"You should have talked to her," Mingyu chimed in.

"She doesn't even know me. Why would I talk to her? And I'm not trying to win her heart. I just hope they get the recognition they deserve," Woozi said, though his flushed cheeks hinted otherwise.

"Your eyes tell a different story," Hoshi said, but quickly added, "But whatever you say."

"But what do you mean she doesn't know you?" S.Coups asked, looking puzzled.

"Ah, I told Jisoo not to mention that I was the one pushing for them to bring the band here. In the end, it was their talent that caught everyone's eye," Woozi explained.

The members exchanged glances, their excitement palpable.

"That's really considerate of you," Seungkwan said, nodding in approval. "But you should give yourself some credit too. You saw something special in them."

"Exactly," Hoshi agreed. "And now they have this chance because of you. It’s okay to let them know you believe in them."

"Yeah, you might even become friends. Or more," Jeonghan added with a wink.

Woozi shook his head, smiling despite himself. "Let's focus on supporting them from here. Whether or not they know it, we'll be cheering them on."

"Agreed," S.Coups said, clapping Woozi on the shoulder. "Let’s make sure they get the best shot at success."

Tunes of Love | Woozi (Seventeen)Where stories live. Discover now