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Yuna slouched over the kitchen counter, sipping her coffee while Heejin flipped through a magazine across from her.

"You look like you've already given up on today," Yuna teased, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

Heejin rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "Can you blame me? The morning shift nearly killed me. I'm pretty sure I'm still half asleep."

Yuna chuckled. "Well, lucky for you, you've got the afternoon shift with those rowdy kids to look forward to."

Heejin groaned playfully. "Oh joy. Just what I needed—a room full of mini Mozarts to keep me on my toes."

Yuna smirked. "Hey, at least they appreciate your piano skills more than the customers at the store."

Heejin feigned offense. "Hey now, Mrs. Park complimented my bagging technique just yesterday."

Yuna burst out laughing, causing Heejin to join in. Their banter was a familiar comfort, a testament to their years of friendship.

"But seriously, Yuna," Heejin said, her tone turning more serious. "Tonight's gig at the bar is going to be killer. You know it's where you shine brightest."

Yuna nodded, gratitude softening her features. "Thanks, Heejin. You always know how to push my buttons and then pull me back to reality."

Heejin winked. "That's what friends are for, right? Now finish your coffee before I drag you out of here myself."

Yuna raised an eyebrow. "Alright, alright. No need to resort to drastic measures. But seriously, thanks for always having my back, even when I'm being a grumpy mess."

Heejin shrugged nonchalantly. "What are friends for? Now go conquer the day. I'll see you at the bar tonight, rock star."

With renewed energy and a smile on her face, Yuna finished her coffee and headed out the door, ready to face the day with Heejin's words of encouragement echoing in her mind. Their friendship, a blend of teasing and unwavering support, was the anchor that kept Yuna grounded as she pursued her passion for music in their small town.

With determination, Yuna tackled her day head-on. First, she headed to her job at the school, where she taught piano to a group of enthusiastic kids. Their laughter and eagerness to learn lifted her spirits despite the early hour.

Afterward, she seamlessly transitioned to her shift at the local grocery store. She greeted customers with a smile, scanned their items, and chatted with regulars. She knew many of them by name, which made the job feel more like catching up with friends than work.

By the time her shift ended, she was exhausted, but she knew there was more to do.

After grabbing a quick bite at home, Yuna met up with her bandmates—Joon, Minho, and Soyeon—at their rehearsal space. They weren't an official band, just friends who loved playing music together.

"What are we working on today?" Yuna asked, picking up her guitar.

Joon grinned. "Let's polish that new song we've been practicing. Tonight's the night to show it off."

Soyeon nodded. "I've got some ideas for the bridge. Let's try them out."

For hours, they played and experimented, each adding their own touch to the music. Despite the makeshift setup, their passion filled the room. It was a creative escape where they could forget about everything else.

As they finished, Yuna felt excited about the night ahead. Despite the challenges, performing with her friends at the bar was the highlight of her day. It was a chance to share their love for music with their town, even if it was just a small corner of it.

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