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Yuna lived in a quiet town not far from busy Seoul. Life there moved slowly, and dreams felt hard to reach. But for Yuna, music was everything. From a young age, she found comfort in melodies and lyrics. Her room was filled with instruments-guitars, keyboards, even a drum set tucked away in a corner.

Growing up, Yuna's dad was her biggest supporter. He shared his love for music with her, teaching her chords on the guitar and letting her explore the piano. Her mom had left when she was born, so it was just Heejin and her dad, facing life together.

But then, a few years ago, Yuna's world turned upside down. Her dad passed away suddenly, leaving her feeling lost and alone. Without him, she had to figure out life on her own.

To make ends meet, Yuna worked several part-time jobs during the day-cashiering at a store, tutoring kids in piano, and delivering newspapers in the early morning. But at night, she found solace in music. She performed at a local bar, pouring her heart into each song she sang or played on her guitar. Her voice, filled with emotion, drew in a small group of regulars who came to listen.

Despite the challenges, Yuna held onto her dream of making music her career. She wanted to compose her own songs and share them with the world. Every night on stage brought her closer to that dream.

In a town where not many people chased big dreams, Yuna stood out. She was determined and hopeful, believing that music could lead her to a future where her passion and work could finally come together.

As Yuna balanced her jobs and pursued her music in the shadow of Seoul, she knew each song she played or wrote was a step toward her future-a future where her music would touch people's hearts far beyond her small town, proving that with persistence and love, dreams can come true.


hello :)
the story will be a bit slow at beginning but the chapters are short so I hope it's not a problem!!
also this is my first time writing a story so please go easy one me HAHAH
I hope you enjoy reading this <3

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