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"Are you sleepy?" Woozi asked with a soft smile as he entered the studio.

Yuna, who had been dozing off, smiled back and stretched. "You took your time," she laughed.

"Here," Woozi said, tossing her a bottle of juice.

He sat beside her, looking at her with gentle concern. "Aren't you tired?" he asked.

She shook her head, opening the bottle. "No, not really."

"Well, I am," Woozi admitted. "If you don't mind..."

Before she could respond, he laid his head on her lap. Yuna was surprised. He usually wasn't very touchy; she was the one who usually initiated hugs. Now, here he was, resting his head on her lap. His cheeks turned pink once again. It had taken him so much courage.

Yuna didn't mind. In fact, she smiled at him, feeling a rush of warmth and affection. She gently brushed her fingers through his hair, feeling his tension ease.

There was a comfortable silence between them, a shared moment of peace.

"Could you sing for me?" Woozi asked, his voice soft and full of longing.

"Sing?" Yuna asked, a bit surprised.

"I love listening to your voice," Woozi confessed, his eyes shining with sincere admiration.

Yuna chuckled at his comment. She started to sing a song that was very meaningful to her, one her dad used to sing to her often.

As she sang, Woozi slowly closed his eyes. The soothing melody and her gentle touch through his hair calmed him. Yuna watched him relax, feeling a deep sense of connection and peace. She sang with all her heart, hoping to convey her emotions through the song.

When she noticed he had fallen into a deep sleep, she glanced at him once more.

Carefully, she stood up, making sure not to wake him. She watched him for a moment. Just as she was about to leave, Woozi grabbed her wrist.

"Don't go," Woozi mumbled.

She turned around and saw a half-asleep Woozi holding onto her, which made her chuckle.

"It's late, Woozi," Yuna said. "You should go to your room too."

Woozi, still holding her wrist, shook his head slightly. "Stay a little longer," he pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper.

Yuna sighed softly, unable to resist his request. She sat back down beside him, and Woozi immediately rested his head on her lap again. He closed his eyes, a content smile on his face.

Yuna gently stroked his hair, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. She watched him for a while, thinking about how much he meant to her. Despite all her worries about the band and their future, moments like this made everything feel right.

"Yuna," Woozi murmured after a while, his eyes still closed.

"Hmm?" she responded softly.

"I'm really glad you're here," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Yuna smiled, her heart swelling with affection. "Me too, Woozi."

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the quiet and each other's presence. Yuna continued to hum softly, the melody filling the room and lulling Woozi into a deeper sleep.

As the night grew darker, Yuna felt her own eyelids growing heavy. She tried to stay awake, not wanting to disturb Woozi, but eventually, she too succumbed to sleep, her hand still resting gently on his head.

Tunes of Love | Woozi (Seventeen)Where stories live. Discover now