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Good morning sweetheart.

           Allison woke up to the sweet smell of bacon and scrambled eggs with a cup of hot coffee by the side of course. Davian was holding the tray of an apology breakfast which he set down on the table beside the bed, leaning closer to Allison and kissing her forehead.

Good morning Davian. She smiled, readjusting her glasses.
Do you think you'll have time to eat before you dash off to the office?
Hmm, I think I've got just about thirty minutes to get ready, out of which I'll use five to eat.
Workaholic....He teased but Allison only smiled.
Will you be going to the hospital today?
Yes yes, of course.
Call me when you get there and give me updates on how his doing.
I will.
Alright, eat up. I need to shower. He said, standing to his feet.

            She nodded, placing the tray on her lap as she watched him leave the room. She let out a sigh. Davian, the angel was back once again and it was as if last night never happened. Given this present state people would call her deranged if she were to accuse him of physical assault.

3:00 pm

               Allison was so overwhelmed by the doctor's verdict. Her father was likely to remain in coma for the rest of his life and as it was, it would take a miracle to revive him but until then, they would keep doing their possible best. Davian was there all through that time, holding her and comforting her as she tore down. Once again, what would she do without him?

             Allison wiped her teary eyes before getting out of her car. She wanted to stay in his bedroom the rest of that day. Since He couldn't talk to her anymore, she was hoping to find solace there but just as she stepped foot in the house, her sisters had attacked her again.

What is this Allison? Ruth approached her with a printed copy of all the outrageous expenses being spent from the company's account.
Not now Ruth please..
Not now? You've clearly been wasting away Father's money ever since he fell ill. Sixty whole million within the past month. Her sister further accused.
I bet she's very happy with Dad's condition. Just look at how she's been spending extravagantly. You should be proud of yourself Allison. Ivy said in support of her sister.
If you must know, these "extravagant spending" as you put it, has been all on Father's health! Allison yelled.
Lying bitch! Lina shot back.
Listen to me, Allison. You have two days to return the money you stole....Ruth threatened.
....or else what? What exactly?!
How dare you tell you insipid little thing! It was Pearl jumping in as she graced Allison's face with a slap. The disbelief was evident in her eyes as she stared at her four half-sisters.
What will you do? Fight back? Pearl asked.
She wouldn't dare. Lina giggled.
Father's no longer here to save you, Allison, so you best keep your tongue in its place! Ivy spoke.
I don't care if you choose to believe me or not. It's clearly written that the money transferred all goes into the hospital's account, isn't it? So leave me the hell alone. She said, rushing through the stairs into her father's bedroom. She shut the door with a bang as she threw herself on the bed, sobbing.

            Allison was still in the middle of crying when one of her sisters came in holding a glass of milk. It was Pearl.

What is it?
Oh please drop the tone. Pearl walked closer and sat on their father's bed. I only felt sorry for what I did earlier.
You..? Sorry? Allison mocked.
Pearl sighed. Of course, why would you believe any of us would be capable of feeling remorse but I have to admit I went a step too far.
Allison still stared, not able to believe her.
If you must know, I actually snuck in to apologize. Ruth would have my head if she found out what I did.
I guess...Allison replied, finally loosening up.
I'm your elder sister, after all, you can't stay mad at me for long, can you?
Allison chuckled lightly. Maybe not.
Here...You need to stop crying. I'm sorry. Pearl smiled handing her the glass of milk.
Thank you. Allison smiled back, taking the glass and gulping down the contents till it was half full.
I'll be going now.
Of course
I'm sorry once again.
It's okay.
If you want, I could apply balm to help with the....
It's okay Pearl. I appreciate the gesture. Thank you.
I honestly wish we could be like this all the time. What's the use of being at each other's throats all the time when we can live in harmony?
Left to me I would want nothing less but it all depends on the four of you if peace is to reign.
True...Alright bye for now. Pearl said, getting to her feet.

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