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               The afternoon of the next day was just like the previous two. Bursting with nothing but jolliness and excitement. Well what would you expect from a resort? Several waitress moving around the sand, holding trays of juice with the typical tropical fruits or flowers usually pinned to the sides of the glasses, some even had the usual mini umbrella on them.

             People chattering and having a good time in their swim suits. Some sat under the shades just by the sea, others took pictures, some were swimming in the waters and the bar also had a few people too. The bar mostly came alive at night, late night partying and stuff. It was just three days and He was already aching to get back into a suit, sit in his office and unearth a mobile telephone. Urgh! There was no way his little pet was going to be able to handle all this busyness. He could tell she was having a hard time but was she though?

            Hades attention shifted to Allison coming up out of the bar, she was in a black full body swimsuit. Unlike Lisa, she wasn't curvy but she was slender. There was a red cloak that matched the color of her hair, tied around her waist, shielding her hips from view. He couldn't deny the fact that He liked her modesty. Her hair was in a bun with a few strands falling across her face but something else caught his attention. She was busy laughing and clinking her glass of juice with three other male tourists.

This place is a wonder Miss Doreen. The first one named Ron said.
Please, call me Allison.
I think ruby would be much appealing given your hair.
Oh thank you. She smiled.
Davian is one lucky bum, I have to admit. commented Edgar.
You guys know him? She asked. How come I don't know you?
They shrugged. Business partners. The last one, Vincent said, sharing a cunning glance to the others that Allison didn't notice.
I see.
I hear there's a cocktail party tonight. Ron cut in, diverting the topic
Yes yes there should be.
Care to join us sweet ruby?

            Hades frowned from where He was sitting. The nickname cringed his insides for no reason and there was no way in hell she was going to say yes.

Allison smiled. I don't think so, I rather I sleep early.
Good Girl...He smirked to himself.
Just an hour wouldn't hurt.
She sighed. Fine fine, I guess I should have a little bit of fun sometimes.
And Now That You Own This Place, You'll Probably Have More Till You Choke On It.
Allison swiftly turned to the voice behind her. It was Hades.
It's the old chap, One of the men teased, shaking hands with him. Hades smiled faintly as the others exchanged pleasantries.
I'm Sorry To Interrupt But Miss Doreen Here, Won't Be Able To Grace The Party Tonight. He said, curtly.
What? She looked up at him, confused.
Is that so?
What a shame.
Well until next time sweet ruby. One of them took her hand and kissed the back of her palm before all three left.
That's Done With...Hades muttered.
What the hell was that?
Hmm? He looked down at her.
Don't act like you don't know what you did! She said, irritated by his mere presence.
It's Not Safe. He casually said.
Like he knew what safe meant. She thought. I will go wherever I please Mr Lenshaw. This is my island!
And You Are My Pet.
Excuse me?
You Heard Me
Can you hear yourself? I am your nephew's girlfriend.
And Who Said I Wanted A Romantic Understanding With You? He asked with a straight face.
She suddenly realized she was stupid there for a minute. Ofcourse by pet he meant two words "scapegoat and paint-paste"
Well in that case, get off my back and let me work out ways to pay you back.
By Attending A Party Full Of Half-Witted Men?
There will also be women and besides why should you care? You put me in this situation remember?
Your Father Did. He frowned, finding her tone upsetting. I'm Only A Collector Here.
Then fuck off and cut me some slack.
Careful Now Pet, Don't You Dare Raise Your Voice At Me And Besides....Hades smirked...Cuss Words Don't Suit You Pet.
Allison parted her lips in an attempt to say something but she noticed the words were forthcoming.
Cat Got Your Tongue, Little Pet? He asked, amused.
You and I have no business Mr Lenshaw and once I'm done for the season be rest assured that your money will be paid in full.
He knew she was lying, maybe quarter paid but definitely not in full.
And I will attend that party.
His narrowed eyes snapped open at her last statement. He looked at her, displeased.
Enough With The Games, You're Going No Where.
Allison scoffed. Who do you think you are?
Your Owner.
Wow! This man just spits out shitty words without thinking twice, doesn't he? She thought in annoyance.
Or Do I Have To Show You The Signed Document Between I And Your Dear Daddy?
I don't care! All that shit ended in New York. This is Cuba and this is my island. I do what I want with or without your consent Hades and stay out of my business! She said, not waiting for an answer before storming off.

BRUTAL MINDS (A DARK ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now