Family Legacies

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The air was thick with dust and the weight of history as Rosalie entered 12 Grimmauld Place. Shadows seemed to dance on the walls, flickering with the light of the gas lamps. The ancestral home of the Black family was as foreboding as ever, its dark corners whispering secrets from the past.

Rosalie's footsteps echoed in the empty hallway as she made her way to the drawing room. She had sent her letter to both Sirius and Regulus, requesting a meeting. The urgency in her words had not been lost on them. As she pushed open the heavy wooden door, she found Sirius and Regulus waiting, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Rosalie," Sirius greeted, his voice warm yet tinged with worry. "What's this about?"

Regulus, standing by the fireplace, nodded in agreement. "You seemed quite urgent in your letter."

Rosalie closed the door behind her, her posture straight and her eyes sharp. "Thank you for coming. I didn't want to put everything in writing, for fear of it being intercepted. There are things happening at Hogwarts that I can't ignore."

Sirius's brow furrowed. "Go on."

She took a deep breath, her gaze steady. "Alastor Moody... there's something off about him. His interest in me, his behavior—it all feels too calculated. And the way he reacted when I resisted the Imperius Curse... it's like he was testing me."

Regulus exchanged a glance with Sirius. "Testing you how?"

"Like he wanted to see how far he could push me," Rosalie explained. "And I'm worried about Alphard. I don't want him getting caught up in whatever game Moody is playing.I need your help to keep him safe. He's brave, but he can be reckless. And I can't afford to lose him."

Sirius nodded, his expression serious. "You did the right thing by telling us. We'll keep an eye on Moody. But Rosalie, you need to be careful too. Don't underestimate him."

Rosalie's eyes flashed with determination. "I won't. But there's more. I think... I think Moody might not be who he seems."

Regulus raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Rosalie hesitated, then said, "I think he's Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise."

The room fell into a stunned silence. Sirius's face darkened, and Regulus's eyes narrowed. "Crouch Jr.? But he's supposed to be dead.he was with me in azkaban"

Regulus nodded slowly. "I knew him, back in the day. Old freinds you could say. He was a fanatic, obsessed with proving himself to the Dark Lord. If he's alive... it would explain a lot."

Sirius ran a hand through his hair, clearly troubled. "We can't go to Dumbledore with this, not yet. We need proof."

Rosalie nodded. "Agreed. But we have to be careful. If Crouch Jr. is pretending to be Moody, he's dangerous." Regulus placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll find out the truth. We'll protect Alphard and you. But we need to be smart about this."

Rosalie felt a weight lift from her shoulders. She had taken the first step in protecting her brother, but there was still much to be done. She bid her father and uncle farewell and made her way to the tapestry room.


The graveyard was eerily quiet, the only sound being the gentle rustling of leaves in the cool evening breeze. Rosalie walked slowly among the headstones, her heart heavy with thoughts . She finally reached her destination: the tomb of her mother, Alexandra Black. Kneeling beside it, she felt a profound sense of loss, a void that had never truly been filled.

In her hands, she held an old, weathered diary—one of many that had belonged to her grandfather, Orion Black. The one that She took from alphard ,it was filled with spells, memories, and secrets. This particular volume seemed to hold special significance

Rosalie sat down on the grass, leaning against the cold stone of the tomb. She opened the diary, her fingers tracing the elegant, precise handwriting of her grandfather. The entries were a mixture of personal reflections and detailed notes on magic, capturing the essence of a man who had once been a formidable force in the wizarding world.

As she read through the pages, she discovered stories of Orion’s youth, his encounters with powerful wizards, and the intricate spells he had created. There were also tender moments—memories of his wife and children, including her mother. Rosalie felt a connection to him, a bridge to a past she had only glimpsed through stories maybe ha was not as bad as Walburga.

One entry caught her attention more than the others. It described a powerful protection spell, one that Orion had crafted to safeguard his family. The spell was complex, requiring great skill and precision. Rosalie’s mind raced with possibilities; this could be something to help , to shield from the dangers they face

Lost in thought, she was startled by a gentle touch on her shoulder. She turned quickly, her wand half-raised in reflex, only to see the familiar face of Andromeda Black.

“Andromeda,” Rosalie said, lowering her wand and letting out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “You startled me.”

Andromeda smiled softly, her eyes warm with understanding. “I’m sorry, Rosalie. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I saw you here and thought you might want some company.”

Rosalie nodded, feeling a mix of emotions. “I didn’t expect to see anyone. I come here when I need to....think, to be close to my mother.”

Andromeda sat down beside her, the two of them now facing Alexandra’s tomb together. “Your mother was a wonderful person,” she said softly. “She loved you and Alphard very much. Decpite the fact that you take after Sirius, you look like her in certain lights.”

Rosalie felt a lump form in her throat. “I wish I could remember more about her. Sometimes it feels like the memories I do have are slipping away.”

Andromeda reached out and gently took Rosalie’s hand. “It’s natural to feel that way. But you carry her with you, in your heart and in everything you do. She’d be so proud of you.”

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the past pressing down on them. Then Andromeda glanced at the diary in Rosalie’s lap. “What have you been reading?”

Rosalie quickly closed the diary, not wanting to reveal too much. “Just some old family history. Trying to understand more about where we come from.”

Andromeda nodded, her expression thoughtful. “The Black family has a complicated history, but it’s also rich with magic and resilience. You have a strength in you, Rosalie, one that comes from both your parents.”

Rosalie looked into Andromeda’s eyes, seeing the sincerity there. For the first time in a long while, she felt a sense of hope. “Thank you,” she said again, her voice filled with emotion. “I won’t forget.”

They spent the next hour in the graveyard, discussing memories of Alexandra and sharing stories about the Black family. Andromeda’s presence was a comfort, a reminder that even in the darkest times, family could be a source of strength and support.

And as they stood to leave, Rosalie took one last look at her mother’s tomb, a silent promise in her heart. She would honor her memory, and she would fight for the future. No matter what it took.

A small  update cuz im packing to go to marrackech next week and yeah that's it love you

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