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Rosalie awoke at 6 o'clock that day; every single bone in her body ached. She glanced into her mirror, only to discover a big scar on her left cheek and a black eye on her left, not to mention the extensive scars that adorned her body. Wearing her Hogwarts uniform, she attempted to conceal the scars with spells, determined not to tarnish the Black family reputation, as per her grandmother's admonition. While her black eye was successfully hidden, the scar was too deep to vanish completely, despite being concealed; they still caused pain if touched.

Observing the Black family tree, with "Alphard James Black" next to "Rosalie Andromeda Black," she found herself staring at a sentence she despised since childhood: "The last noble heirs." Although there were other Blacks, some were purebloods but disowned by their parents, owning the name but not the title.
"Toujours pure" she whispered as she left the room, her aunt Narcissa appearing alongside her grandmother. Walburga's once fiery eyes now looked tired, and her strong voice had transformed into a hoarse whisper. Each cough appeared to sap more of her strength, yet an unmistakable restlessness lingered in her frail frame. Rosalie, in pain, half-bowed to them, but Narcissa remained silent in front of Walburga.

As they apparated to the Malfoy Manor, passing it on to Draco, who was predictably late(as always), Narcissa turned to Dobby and instructed,
"Get me my potion kit."
Dobby complied with a disappearing act.

"It's not that bad, I promise," said Rosalie.

"Promise is a big word, Rory," replied Narcissa.

"Don't call me Rory like I'm 7. "

"You will always be my little favorite niece, RORY!" Narcissa laughed

creating an awkward silence as they both acknowledged another niece, Nymphadora

Despite everything, Narcissa remarked, "You know, despite everything, my father was always more genteel than Aunt Walburga. I sometimes wish it could be different, that you had a normal childhood both of you."

Before Rosalie could respond, the sound of shoes descending the stairs interrupted. "I'm all good. Hello, Mum, hello, Rose."

"Are you okay? You have a bi-"

"Finally, it took you more time than me on my wedding day," interrupted Narcissa.

Rosalie observed as Draco gave an offended expression to his mom while she laughed at him. A pang of pain hit her heart; she wished she had more time with her mother, with only three memories lingering in her mind, hoping to remember them forever. Using the Floo, they arrived at Hogwarts, said their goodbyes, and headed down the corridors. Draco attempted to catch up with his cousin to inquire about her scar, but she was faster, closing her dorm that had become solely hers since her first year at her grandmother's insistence. To the headmaster

Alone in her room, Rosalie turned to the mirror, seeing her paler reflection. She was weak;
her head screamed,


her eyes filled with anger.

"IM NOT" she yelled

She shattered the mirror with her hands, causing more pain, but she didn't care. She is a Black, weakness is not an option; her only strength was power.

Helloooo this is a short chapter for y'all since im on a vacation for the next 10 days for christmas ik its a lot but il try if i can update you more im not promissing you as narcissa said "promiss is a big word" anyways if im late don't worry im just trying to figure out the plot bc wait i don't want to burn it 4u but im not giving up on this book guys chill
Fun fact i just realised that my last name start's with B
So iam H.N.B wowww
Love youuuuuu

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