Haunting Horcruxes II

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It was the second day at 12 Grimmauld Place, breakfast was served, and everyone engaged in deep conversation.

"...And then I got detention for two weeks," Alphard chuckled.

"That's basically an approval from Minnie," Sirius remarked.

"Don't encourage him, Sirius," Mrs. Weasley interjected.

"Oh, come on, Molly, let him have fun," Sirius insisted.

Meanwhile, Regulus observed them with a small smile, lost in thought. Where was his niece? There was an Order meeting tonight; she was supposed to be here. She promised him she'd come. Was she late? Was she in danger? If there's something he learned about her in these months, it's that she could be as smart as Orion Black but also as stubborn as Sirius, her father. Did she find that Horcrux? Did she go to destroy it? Could she be dead?


"Hm, I'm sorry, what did you say?" Regulus snapped out of his reverie.

"What's the matter? You look concerned," Sirius inquired.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking," Regulus replied.

Meanwhile, Rosalie found herself in an old cave. If her uncle hadn't told her about the one he found the necklace in, she would've believed it was the exact same one. She was far away in a cave in Scotland that she charmed so that whatever dark magic that ring possessed wouldn't leave that place. It was so cold and dark.

"Lumos," she whispered, taking out the ring. "Kreacher," she called.

"Yes, my lady," the house-elf responded.

"If I die in here, take the Horcrux to Uncle Regulus."

"Kreacher can't risk his mistress's life. Kreacher was ordered to protect mas-" he was interrupted by Rosalie.


The house-elf nodded, and she continued, "If something goes wrong, don't save me. Just take my body to my brother," she instructed. Kreacher nodded, backing up with a sense of nostalgia. Should he go and call his other master? She put the ring down and stared at it.

"Au nom de la famille Black," she whispered.

She moved her wand, and a very dark soul emerged, resembling Dementors but stronger. They clutched her, holding her from every spot in her body. She felt something worse than the Cruciatus Curse, a pain both physical and mental. But she held her pain; she didn't scream, though her face betrayed her agony.

That black soul took the shape of a woman: Miss Riddle.

"What's your name, my dear?" Miss Riddle said with a smirk, while Rosalie endured the excruciating pain.

"Rosalie Black," she said coldly, her voice steady despite the torment.

"The Black heiress, the heir that was promised, came to destroy me!" Miss Riddle exclaimed. With every word, Rosalie neared death. She screamed, a deep, painful cry that surpassed human imagination.

"Granddaughter of the Blacks, Auclairs, and Lestranges, your maternal grandmother—oh, yes, I knew her. Tell me about their old magic, and I'll set you free," Miss Riddle taunted. Rosalie knew that whatever protected the Horcrux was related to Tom. She was smarter than to reveal pureblood family power secrets. A pureblood or even a blood traitor never answers such questions to half-bloods and Mudbloods.

The pain persisted, but Rosalie rose despite the grip of the entity.

"Corvus oculum corvi non eruit," she said, a raven never betrays another, which meant a Lestrange never betrays another.

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