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"Your aunt Narcissa Malfoy will be here soon to take both of you home," said Minerva.

Alphard stood there, trying to understand that his grandmother is dead. Meanwhile, Rosalie was looking at her professor; she realized that she is not Miss Black anymore. She is Lady Black.

Alphard and Rosalie turned their heads, examining the portraits hanging on the wall.

"Ahhh, my great-great-grandson's son! I haven't seen you in ages," said Phineas.

"Hello to you too, Phineas, but aren't you supposed to be home with Aunt Elladora?" said Alphard.

"Well, I'm tired of her bargaining with Sirius about the wall colors. She wants them in dark green; he wants it in black because it makes the portrait more 'fancy,' " said Phineas.

McGonagall's eyes widened at the second Phineas said "Sirius." As she opened her mouth to talk, Rosalie said, "Sirius Black the first, his older brother, our father's great-great-uncle. He died in 1853, don't worry."

Professor McGonagall nodded.

"Phineas, go home and check if grandmother arrived at her portrait," said Rosalie.

"Alright, see you soon," and with that, Phineas disappeared.

Draco joined them after a short period. Sooner than they expected, Narcissa arrived. As she greeted the headmaster without any other word, she told the kids to hold her hand so that they Apparated to the Black Manor.

The Blacks had two resident places: 12 Grimmauld Place, which was their main private place, and the Black Manor, the address known for the pureblood families.

As they entered, the atmosphere was sad. There were quite a lot of families, precisely purebloods. They, of course, changed into formal funeral clothing from Hogwarts, but everyone stared at Alphard with disgust—a "blood traitor." As Rosalie and Narcissa got condolences from some ladies, Minister Cornelius Fudge began,

"We gather today to commemorate the memory of our beloved Lady Walburga Irma Black, a woman who maintained order in her household and served as a sweet grandmother, raising her grandchildren with grace."

Alphard couldn't help but look at his sister, who lowered her head to hide her smirk.

"She peacefully departed in her sleep on December 19, 1993. Her legacy continues to resonate, reminding us of the profound impact she had on our lives and the enduring love she bestowed upon her family. As we reflect upon her life, let us cherish the moments and virtues she shared with us, celebrating the indelible mark she left on our hearts."

"As the ministry announced that from this day forward, Alphard James Black and Rosalie Andromeda Black are officially Lady and Lord to the most noble and ancient House of Black."

Whispers were everywhere. Why would that blood traitor become a lord, they questioned.

"Silence now; the goblin may read the will."

"I am Lady Walburga Irma Black, wife to Orion Arcturus Black, give the title of a lord to my grandson, Alphard James Black, as he is the last noble heir to House Black, and giving him vault number 16 that contains only nine million and a half Galleons as a punishment for being a blood traitor." The crowd looked relieved that he wouldn't be that rich. To a normal family like the Weasleys, nine million and a half is a fortune, but to a pureblood family, it was poverty. Despite the fact that he left the household, he wasn't disowned, so he was always accessible to his family vault, but now he only had this vault, so he kind of felt low that he shouldn't waste thousands on outfits if he wanted not to waste all his money.

"To my lovely niece, Narcissa Black Malfoy, I give her vault number 94 and 567, with a total of 567 million Galleons." Narcissa expected that, not that she was only accessible to the Malfoy vault, but she had inherited fifteen vaults from her father Cygnus Black, so receiving this from her aunt wasn't much.

"And finally, to my granddaughter, the smartest witch of her age, the most powerful witch of the noble House of Black, vaults number 645, number 876, number 67, and the family vault number 711, leaving her with 345 billion Galleons and all the properties of the Black family, making her the richest witch in Britain as a gift for being a good heir." Rosalie was shocked. She thought that her aunt would get the family vault, but she was the one to get vault number 711.

"And lastly, I leave our family private house to both my grandchildren," and with that, the goblin closed the letter. Rosalie looked at Alphard, who nodded. They knew she talked about 12 Grimmauld Place. As it was almost 11, the guests started to leave politely. As Narcissa, Lucius, Draco, Alphard, and Rosalie sat on the couches of the fancy manor.

"Now listen, you two. Now you are officially heirs to House Black; you don't have the right to make mistakes, especially you, Rosalie. Do you understand?" said Lucius coldly.

"Yes, Uncle Lucius," they both said.

"Now off to bed, you three. We are leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow evening," said Lucius.

Rosalie had to guide Draco to the guest's room since he did not know the manor well.

Alphard hated everything about his family, but he was happy that his grandmother was now gone. Maybe he can get back with Rosalie. No one talked to him since he came, except for Narcissa, who checked if he needed something.

The next day, they were all in Dumbledore's office after they used the Floo. Narcissa hugged the three.

"Goodbye for now, sweet children."

As she Apparated away, the three greeted the headmaster. As they wanted to go, Dumbledore said,

"Miss Black, a minute, please."

As she nodded to the boys to go, she stayed.

"I have something to show you."

He gave her his hand; she knew that they had to Apparate. Her grandmother used to do it all the time.

They appeared in an old country estate.

"Where are we, Professor?" said Rosalie.

"You will see."

As they went to a house over there, Albus opened the door to reveal the back of a tall man with black hair who was cooking something.

"Came early, Albus."

"I have a guest with me today," said Dumbledore.

As the man turned, Rosalie looked at his features—her same black hair, the same jawline, the gray eyes. He looked like her and Alphard but with softer features.he looked like a member she saw in her family book

"He looks like a Black," she thought.

"Regulus, I introduce you to your niece." said dumbeldore

Did i just uplode a new chapter yeeees why bc i felt guilty that this week im not free so its like an early update
Aaaaaaaah rosalie meet reggie guess how their bond will be in the comment guys pls vote and comment so that i can be motivated
That'it by 4 now

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