Miss Riddel's ring

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It was an exhausting exams day for the third years.

On Monday:

- 9 o'clock, Arithmancy.
- 9 o'clock, Transfiguration.
- Lunch.
- 1 o'clock, Charms.
- 1 o'clock, Ancient Runes.

The quartet sat in the library.

"Have you found anything?" said Harry.

"No, not yet!" said Hermione.

"I told you guys, Malfoys are pureblood. Their word in the Ministry is heard. You can't just expect to find a rule to save Buckbeak," said Alphard.

"Bloody hell, Alphard, can't you be positive a bit?" said Ron.

"I'm just stating facts. I'm going to take a walk in here. Maybe they put some new books. See you at lunch!" he said. Without waiting for a response, he left and started to look into some books. As he admired a girl, Aurora Emily Bexley, a second-year Ravenclaw reading, she looked up, smiled, tucked her golden hair behind her ear, and left.

"Merlin's beard, I need this one," he said out loud.

"She has an older brother, Alexander Bexley, Ravenclaw chaser. He could kill you if you touch her," said a voice behind him.

"Can you stop popping out of nowhere?" said Alphard.

"I was in here way long before you came, dumbass," said Rosalie.

As he looked at a paper on the desk, he asked, "What is that?"

"It's none of your business," she said.

"I can help you. Just give me a chance," he said.

"Fine, it's a password to something made by grandmother. I kind of figured out the beginning but no clue for the end," she said.

"Blood runs thicker than water..." he said. "I heard this somewhere."

"Same here, but it's kind of blurry," she said.

"Blood runs thicker than water. Blood runs thicker than water," he kept repeating, looking at his sister. His eyes widened.

"But both feel the same when your eyes are closed," they said in unison.

"OMG! How could I forget about it?" she said.

"I told you I'm useful sometimes. What do you need it for, anyways?" he said.

"None of your business. Actually, goodbye, Phardie Phardo," she said, winking, and left.

"She is going to get herself killed by Voldemort himself if she keeps trying to destroy him!" he said to himself.

As Rosalie got to Dumbledore's office.

"Professor Dumbledore."

"Ah, Miss Black, everything good?" he said, taking a sip from his tea.

"I need to go to 12 Grimmauld Place. I assume I can find something there," she said.

"Fine by me. You could use my fireplace, but don't be late for yours and your brother's detention. Professor Snape wouldn't like you not being there."

"All right, sir!" As she went to the fireplace.

"12 Grimmauld Place," she said.


She is in London, in front of a place she once called home. She was terrified. After all, she didn't have a good childhood. As the door creaked open, she was greeted by Kreacher, "Welcome home, Mistress. Kreacher missed his mistress."

She didn't look at him and kept walking with soundless steps. Her grandmother was dead, but her rules were alive. She felt her heart clench but went straight to her grandmother's room. She had been there twice, as she could remember. It was like a restricted section for them in that house.

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