Secrets of the Black Library

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The drawing room of the Black family home at 12 Grimmauld Place was dark and somber, with heavy drapes and old-fashioned furniture. It was a quiet summer evening, and faint light from the setting sun filtered through the windows.

Sirius Black sat in an armchair, his face showing signs of exhaustion and contemplation. Across from him, his son, Alphard Black, perched on the arm of a sofa with a curious expression on his face.

"Father, do you ever think about Mom?" Alphard asked, breaking the silence.

Sirius sighed heavily, his gaze fixed on the fireplace.

"Of course I do, Alphard. Not a day goes by when I don't think about her. Your mother was extraordinary. She brought light into my life when I needed it most."

"What was she like? I mean, I have some memories of her , but they're so blurry."

Sirius smiled faintly. "She was kind and full of life. She had this way of making everyone around her feel warm and welcome. Her laughter could fill a room. She loved you and Rosalie so much; you two were her world. She planned everything for you—your first day at Hogwarts, your Quidditch matches, the day you would have girlfriends and boyfriends, and even your weddings."

Alphard sighed. "I wish I could remember more about her. It's hard sometimes."

Sirius reached over and placed a hand on Alphard's shoulder.

"I know, son. It's hard for me, too. Losing her was the hardest thing I've ever been through. I wish I could have been there more for you and Rosalie after she passed, but things were complicated," he paused. "I really didn't want you to grow up with my mother, a very  harsh woman she was."

"I know, Dad. You've done your best."

"Thank you, Alphard. I wish I could have shielded you both from all the darkness. Your mother would have wanted you to grow up in a happier place. But life doesn't always work out that way," Sirius said.

"But we have each other now, right? And we still have memories of Mom," Alphard said.

Sirius smiled back. "Yes, we do. And that's something no one can take away from us. I'm proud of the young man you've become, Alphard. Your mother would be proud, too."

"Thanks, Dad. I'm glad we had this talk. It helps, you know?"

Sirius nodded. "I'm glad, too. Whenever you want to talk about your mother or anything else, just let me know. I'm here for you." He then took a picture from the box. "Here, this one is from two months after your birth."

The picture showed a young Regulus, who looked scared to hold a baby, holding baby Alphard with the help of Alexandra.

"I see the Blacks are having a meeting without me," said Regulus's voice from the back of the room. He came to his brother and nephew and sat by their side.

"I remember this one here; it was the first time I ever saw you," said Regulus.

Sirius then handed them another picture. "This was from our wedding. Guess who they are, Alphard!"

"Well, this is you, Mum, Uncle Regg, and I guess this one is James, Harry's father, since they look alike. This must be Frank Longbottom; they just look so much alike. And this—" Alphard paused. "No way, how did you convince him to be here!" Alphard said, pointing to Lord Alphard Black, his great uncle.

"Uncle Alphard is the best. He always supported me. He even managed to get Regulus to the wedding without anyone noticing their absence," said Sirius.

"Of course, what would Mother do if she saw the heirs to the most noble house of Black interacting with half-bloods and Muggle-borns?" Regulus said, mimicking the last part. "Now get ready, you two; the Order will be here sooner than you think."

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