Back to Black II

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"Home sweet home," Regulus remarked, a pang of nostalgia in his voice.

Sirius sighed as he glanced at his brother, sharing in the sentiment as they entered the familiar abode. Mixed emotions churned within them, a blend of pain, grief, and shock at the unchanged state of the house. Their steps were met with echoing yells, and Sirius braced himself for what was to come.

"Sirius, you disgrace to the family name! How dare you darken our doorstep after all this time!" Walburga's voice boomed, the accusation sharp in the air. The brothers exchanged a look of disbelief as they pondered how she could recognize Sirius from behind.

"And who are you! Another blood traitor!" she continued her tirade, her fury palpable.

Regulus and Sirius turned to face her, her jaw dropping in realization as she took in their presence.

"Regulus, my loyal son, why do you consort with the likes of him?" Her words dripped with disdain as she grappled with the shock of her sons standing before her, alive. Her voice rose to a hysterical pitch as she struggled to comprehend the situation.

"Regulus Black, defying death itself to stand before me? Your presence is an insult to our noble name, you FILTHY BLOOD TRAI-"

"Silencio," Sirius interrupted, putting an end to Walburga's tirade with a flick of his wand.

"Thank you," Regulus acknowledged his brother, grateful for the respite.

"Any time," said Sirius casually as they made their way through the ground floor. They paused to admire the library, Regulus's favorite spot, before continuing on to the dining room.

Their exploration was interrupted by the appearance of an old house elf.

"Kreacher!" Regulus exclaimed happily.

"That old nasty house elf is still alive," Sirius whispered to Regulus, who promptly smacked the back of his head.

"Kreacher is happy his master is home. Kreacher is going to make his master dinner!" BAM, and he was gone.

"That hurts," Sirius remarked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Hmph," grunted Regulus.

As they ascended the stairs, they couldn't help but glance at the Black family tapestry in the drawing room. Instant regret washed over them as they noticed a large bloodstain on the floor and others on the walls. A grey t-shirt lay discarded on the floor, soaked in blood. Sirius bent down to pick it up; it was small-sized, likely belonging to his daughter. He couldn't hold back his tears, and Regulus eventually bent down to hug his brother for comfort.

"I was never there for her," Sirius confessed, his voice choked with emotion.

"It's okay; it's not your fault. She understands," Regulus reassured him, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Thank you, Reggie," Sirius said, gratitude evident in his voice.

As they surveyed the room, they noticed the familiar sight of their names, Sirius and Alphard's, burned into the tapestry. Regulus quickly guided his brother out of the room, mindful of his mental well-being. They proceeded upstairs, starting with Regulus's room.

An old wooden sign with "R.A.B" engraved on it still adorned the door. Sirius pointed out a new addition – "R.A.B Jr." – obviously added by Rosalie.

"So Sirius coded," Regulus chuckled.

Sirius attempted to open the door, but Regulus stopped him.

"Haven't you got any manners? We're not allowed in a girl's room," Regulus scolded.

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