Quidditch Match

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It was lunch time and every student was in the great hall.

"You know the Quidditch match is today, don't be late," said Draco.

But Rosalie was playing with her fork over her plate. Draco snapped his fingers in front of her face as she returned to reality.

"Um, uh, sorry, I wasn't listening," Rosalie said.

"Obviously. I said we have the finals today," Draco said.

"Oh, yes, I know. I have to go to my dorm. I'll be on time, I promise," she said.

As she got up from the table to head to her dorm, she met McGonagall on the way.

"Ah, Miss Black, I was looking for you. The headmaster wants you in his office at 3 o'clock."

"Yes, I'll be there on time. Thank you, Professor," Rosalie said.

As McGonagall was about to go, she turned and said, "I bet you would like a lemon drop." She winked at the girl.

Rosalie smirked at the password.

'Lemon drop'. Who would use that as a password? she thought as she was in her room. She took a piece of parchment and started writing.

Dear hidden ghost,

Hope you're doing well! I know it's only been a couple of days, but I've been missing our chats lately.

So, guess what? I've got a Quidditch match today, and I was thinking it'd be awesome if you could make it. I totally get it if you can't, though. I mean, you've got to lay low, right? It'd be pretty risky for you to show up here. But, it's the finals, Gryffindor versus Slytherin! Last time we faced Gryffindor in the finals was back when you were in your fifth year. I'm going against Alphard.

No pressure at all, seriously. I know it's a tough call. Anyway, forget I mentioned it if it's too much. Have an awesome day, whatever you get up to.

Take care,


As she looked at the paper, she hesitated. It was pretty risky, but he was her only family left. Alphard would be followed by his dogs (Harry, Ron, and Hermione).

She folded her letter and gave it to her owl, Orion. She told him to go. She let out a heavy breath she didn't know she was holding.

~In Dumbledore's office~

"Ah, Miss Black, welcome," said the old man.

"Thank you. You wanted me, Professor?"

"I was wondering if you've got any new information."

"Yes," she said as she nodded. "I know where to find a Horcrux. It's in our house. I'll get it and then destroy it, when I will go on vacation, so it will need time."

"Very good. You're off to go."

As she got up from her seat, he said, "Good luck in today's game, Miss Black."

"Thank you, Professor."

As she went down the corridors to get herself ready, an arm grabbed her hand and pulled her to the wall.

"Cedric Amos Diggory, stop kidnapping me at every chance you can," she said.

"Why not? The look on your face is worth it, though," he said mockingly. "I wanted to wish you luck."

"Thank you, love. Really, I'm really stressed. You know I'm playing against Alphard and Gryffindor's are strong-"

As she spoke, Cedric couldn't help but be captivated by the earnestness in her eyes, the way her lips moved with such fervor as she shared her thoughts and dreams. Yet, amidst the torrent of words, he felt an undeniable urge to silence her-not out of malice, but out of a longing to capture this moment, to etch it into the fabric of his memory.

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