Cat, Rat and dog

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Alphard stood in the astronomy tower, embracing Aurora as he kissed her neck tenderly.

"You look exceptionally beautiful today," he murmured, gazing into her captivating green eyes.

Suddenly, realization struck him, and he reluctantly released her.

"What's the matter, love?" she inquired.

"It's 7 pm; I have detention with Snape. We'll finish this later," he said, planting one last, profound kiss on her lips.


"Sorry I'm late," Alphard apologized as he entered.

"Messed with Bexley again?" Rosalie teased.

"Kind of. Wait, how did you...?" he trailed off as Rosalie pointed to a hickey on his neck.

"Now, let's get on before we have to endure Snape's speech again," she said, chuckling as Alphard joined in.


"Mr. and Miss Black, you are late again. Take your seats and begin correcting those essays," Snape instructed as the two complied, while Snape prepared a potion nearby.

The privilege the Blacks held, unlike others, was their status as heirs to the Black family. Snape, aware of this, treaded lightly with punishments, unlike with Potter or the Weasleys, knowing the potential consequences.

"I'll deliver this to Professor Lupin. You better have these essays finished by the time I'm back," Snape warned before leaving and closing the door behind him.

"Ugh," Alphard groaned, leaning back in his chair. Rosalie, however, waved her wand, effortlessly organizing everything alphabetically.

"You mean to tell me you could have done that all along, and you left us here for an eternity?" Alphard exclaimed.

"Sometimes I can't help but wonder where you got this stubbornness," she remarked.

-Girl, he got it from his father, duh-

"Let's take a walk," Alphard suggested.

"I'm not in the mood; I have things to attend to," she declined.

He seized her wrist and led her away without a word.

"Stop it. What's gotten into you?" she protested.

"Why won't you let me help you? You're aware you could get yourself killed!" he insisted.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she deflected, attempting to leave.

"Not this time, Ria!" he blocked her path.

"You sometimes forget we grew up together. I know you're trying to thwart the Dark Lord, but it won't end well, and you know it," he urged.

As she prepared to respond, they heard a scream near the Whomping Willow.

"Hermione!" they exclaimed together, rushing towards the commotion. They found Ron with a leg covered in blood, an ugly, short man, Harry, Hermione, and their father. It was a fleeting moment, but Sirius's heart swelled with pride at how his little babies had grown up.

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