The Triwizard Tournament

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**The Hogwarts Express** chugged along the tracks, its rhythmic noise blending with the excited chatter of students. The compartment near the middle of the train was bustling with energy as friends reunited after the Quidditch World Cup.

Bill Weasley leaned forward with a glint in his eye. "Hey, everyone," he said in a low voice, drawing their attention. "I've got some big news about this year at Hogwarts."

Harry, Ron, Alphard, and Hermione immediately focused on him. Ron, who had been munching on a Chocolate Frog, paused mid-bite. "What is it, Bill?" he asked, curiosity lighting up his face.

Bill's grin widened. "It's supposed to be a surprise, but I can't keep it to myself. Hogwarts is hosting a big event this year."

"What event?" asked Hermione and Alphard in unison.

Bill put his hand over his mouth. "Can't say more," he replied with a wink.

"Come on, you can't just spill half of it out and then say you can't tell us more," said Ron.

"Is it fun?" asked Harry.

"Hell yeah," said Bill.

Harry felt a mix of anticipation and unease. The recent events at the Quidditch World Cup made him wary of surprises.

The train started to move, and everyone began to settle in. Molly Weasley hugged her children and gave them loads of kisses. She, of course, had to scold Fred and George, even though she wouldn't admit it to anyone, she loved those two dearly.

Meanwhile, Rosalie sat in the corner of the compartment, lost in thought. The chaos at the World Cup and her recent discoveries at the Ministry weighed heavily on her mind. She stared out the window, the passing scenery a blur as her mind raced.

"What am I supposed to do?" she wondered, her thoughts a storm of uncertainty and determination. "If Barty Crouch Jr. is alive, there's a bigger threat out there. But why would Crouch Sr. hide it? What could he gain?"

Her fingers traced the edge of the seat, her brow furrowing in concentration. "I need to find out more, but I can't do it alone. I need allies I can trust. But who? The Ministry is full of secrets, and even my own family prefers to keep things hidden."

She glanced at her friends, who were animatedly discussing the new coming ball. "Draco... he is trustworthy. But how much should I tell him? How much can I tell him? And when? This isn't just about me or my family; it affects all of us."

Her thoughts drifted back to her encounter with Marlene Warrick and Emmeline Vance. Their polished exteriors and whispered secrets had left a lasting impression. "They're playing a dangerous game. If they know something, they won't reveal it easily. I have to be careful, but I can't let fear stop me."

She thought of Alphard, whose support during the World Cup incident had been reassuring. "Alphard might have some answers, or at least he could help me navigate this mess. I need to speak with him as soon as we get to Hogwarts."

As the train sped onward, Rosalie resolved to stay vigilant. The truth was out there, buried beneath layers of deception and danger. She couldn't rest until she unearthed it, no matter the cost.

"Hey, Rosalie," Draco's voice broke through her reverie. "You okay? You've been really quiet."

She smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Yeah, just thinking. This year is going to be... interesting."

Draco nodded, his expression a mix of concern and excitement. "Yeah, it definitely is. Who knows what's going to happen?"

Rosalie's smile widened, this time with genuine warmth. "Exactly. Who knows?" she echoed, the weight of her secret mission heavy on her shoulders. But for now, she would join her friends in their anticipation of the year ahead, knowing that the real challenges were yet to come.

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