Haunting Horcruxes I

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Rosalie was sitting in the library, trying to gather more information about dark magic—anything that could destroy the Dark Lord. She had plenty of time for research since everything they studied at Hogwarts was already ingrained in their minds from a young age. They always achieved high marks without much effort.

As she pondered, a thought crossed her mind. She wanted to ask Professor Dumbledore, but she hesitated until she was certain.

Late at night, while everyone was asleep, she walked quietly through the halls, trying to avoid Filch. She hoped she would soon receive her map to navigate secret passages leading outside Hogwarts. Upon finding one, she apparated to her uncle's house. Though hesitant at first, she knocked on the door.

No one answered.

"He's not home," she realized as she left the door slightly ajar, only to find her uncle holding his wand.

"Who was the person who brought Rosalie to me for the first time?" asked Regulus.

"Are you mad?" she replied.

"I SAID WHO!!!" he yelled.

"Professor Albus Dumbledore."

He let out a heavy breath. "Sorry, Ria, just a precaution. You know how life is these days. Come in," he said, looking at her.

He called her Ria, a nickname her brother had created—they shared the same brain.

"Alright, what brings you to me in the middle of the night on a school day?" he asked, sitting on the couch.

"Forget about that. How did you manage to get past Filch!?" she said, confused.

"That's a long story. Well, I have to make it quick. As you know, Grandmother was faithful to the Dark Lord. But when I saw her old picture, from before Father was disowned, her right hand only had one diamond ring. In the later ones, after Father was disowned, she always wore a ring with a green crystal."

"I don't get it. Mother always wore jewelry," said Regulus, perplexed.

"Well, you said you found a Horcrux but haven't fully destroyed it yet. I think that ring must have belonged to Voldemort's relative, his mother precisely. He made it a Horcrux and gave it to Grandmother to keep it safe," she stated.

"As much as I'd like to agree, you're not sure. Do you even know where it is?"

"No, but it must be somewhere in the house. I just know she wouldn't risk putting it at Gringotts. I shall go during the school vacation, look out for it, and destroy it," she said.

Regulus gazed at his niece, a surge of emotions washing over him. He saw reflections of his own determination in her, the same fire he had at seventeen. But she was only thirteen, nearly fourteen. He couldn't bear the thought of her being dragged into the same tumultuous world he had known. All he wished for was a normal life for his niece and nephew, free from the shadows of war and the weight of destiny. They deserved laughter ringing through the halls, innocence unmarred by chaos. Regulus longed to shield them from the hardships he had faced, to grant them the simple joys that had eluded him. In his heart, he harbored a fervent desire to see them grow up in a world where their youth wasn't overshadowed by fear and uncertainty. He had to stop her.

"Ria, you've done an incredible job, but you can't just—"

"No, I chose this path, and I know what I'm doing."

"They are more powerful than you think."

"Yet you succeeded."

"I WAS SEVENTEEN! And if your father wasn't there, I would have been dead long before this, Rosalie!"

"Exactly, Father saved you, and I shall save my brother. You know that prophecies never lie. If it talks about him... I... I can't lose another family member," she said.

"Rosalie Andromeda Black, you truly are your mother's daughter," said Regulus, whispering.

"Did you know her... I mean, my mother? The only thing that Grandmother told us was that she was a blood traitor Gryffindor."

"Oh, yes, I did. She was in the same year as me. We had some classes together. She was a smart pureblood girl. I first talked to her in the library. We fought over a book," he said, laughing. "And then, she and Pandora became friends. In our fifth year, she was disowned after her parents found out about her and Sirius."

"Pandora Lovegood? She's dead, isn't she?"

"Yes, but she was Pandora Rosier at the time. She died trying to destroy the locket. It was the Horcrux."

"I don't understand. If you got the locket the day Father saved you and you went into hiding, how did she get it?"

"Albus took it to her. She was a powerful witch, but it was filled with dark magic
I don't know where it desapeard."

"I'm sorry."

He exhaled. "What I'm trying to say is, you're a clever girl. You remind me a lot of Sirius and me. In fact, you're a real Black. But the day I got the news you were born, I swore to protect you with my life. Take care of yourself, Ria, or trust me, I would hunt you in hell," he said, mockingly, as she burst out laughing.

Her hair was in a low tail, held by her wand. Her smile—she was Sirius's daughter.

As Rosalie got up to leave and opened the door, her uncle remarked, "Get yourself some sleep. You look exhausted."

"Okay, I will."

"Bye, Uncle Reggie," she said as she apparated.

"Uncle Reggie, now that's a pretty nickname," he said to himself aloud.

As Rosalie sneaked back into Hogwarts, she passed Filch, lucky that he didn't notice her. As she approached the portrait, a voice behind her stopped her.

"Miss Black, I believe it's past curfew. Or can't you afford a watch?" said Snape, in his usual disgusted tone.

"First of all, I'm Lady Black now. Trust me, I could buy Hogwarts and everything in it, including you and your miserable life. And my Gringotts vault wouldn't even notice the expense, Snivellus," she retorted.

"You nasty brat, like your father and mo—"

He stopped as he felt her wand at his throat.

"You're already on my last nerve, you nasty half-blood. Don't you dare talk about my mother, or especially my father, Snivellus," she said.

As she turned her back to him and went to the portraits, she muttered, "Mudblood." The wall opened, and she entered the common room. No one was there since it was late at night, so she decided to go to her room. There, she found a red box she was sure didn't belong to her.

On top of it was a note: "This necklace once belonged to your mother. I figured it was time you had it. Missed you, Minifoot."

Many ideas rushed through her mind. Was this a prank? But no one could enter her room. Was it her father? But how did he get in?

Despite her hesitation, she opened it. Inside was a silver necklace with Sirius's constellation.

She admired it closely and decided to wear it.

Hello so im sick that's why i didn't update y'all sorry
Btw did you know that at first i wanted to name rosalie
Lyra aurora black but i decided il use it for my second fic☻️
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