❄️Mt. Sagiri❄️

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No one's Pov

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No one's Pov

Sae and her kakushi companion were walking along the trail. Sae wore a haori that was made by Amane. It was white with light blue snowflake like stars . "Miss Ubuyashiki we are almost to the mountain do you wish to rest here"? Sae stopped, she wasn't nearly as exhausted as the kakushi next to her but still would be nice to sit for a minute. "Sure we can stop here, the air here feels cool, it's peaceful". The kakushi sat down and pulled out some water. Sae just stood taking in the breeze. "Uhh miss i have some water for you and then we can start walking again". Sae was in her own world, she liked it here. "Thank you kishie" Sae drank the water as her crow flew passed. "CAW CAW  UROKODAKI IS UP AHEAD ONE MORE HOUR TO GO CAW CAW". Both Sae and Kishie started walking again.

They stopped at a cabin Sae looked towards the kakushi with a gentle smile. "Thank you for your service please be safe". The kakushi blushed "Ahhh no problem miss i'll be on my way, take care alright"? She panicked as she bowed. Sae waved to her as she knocked on the door, Urokodaki appeared before her. "Welcome miss Sae, i'm glad you made it safely". He said as he bowed. "No need to be formal sir, I thank you for training me". She said gently as she was being led inside the cabin.

It was night time, The sky was lit up by the moon. It was peaceful, the insects chirping, the trees whistling, the bubbling of soup being cooked. "You must be hungry, here". Sae thanked him and began eating. "So i'd like to start by saying this isn't an easy task, completing your training depends on you. It could take days or years, so are you prepared". Sae looked at him with determination. "Yes I am, it'll be a pleasure working with you". Urokodaki sensed something about her. She smelt angry and vengeful but yet her face says differently, calm and sweet. "Might I add that your emotions play a big part in your fighting skills. So you must be calm and collected otherwise it'll cost you your life". Sae realized that he noticed her true emotions. She has a way of sensing things, she doesn't understand how but it just happens. "I understand sir I will head to bed now". "Very well we start training in the morning I expect you'll be ready". Sae bowed "Of course Urokodaki".

Sae changed from her white clothes and haori into a nightgown. She looked out her window at the moon, Tani flew by as a reminder to write a letter to Ubuyashiki. She wrote that she got to the cabin safely and how peaceful it was here and that her training begins tomorrow morning. She will continue to write her progress down for him. Even though it's been a few hours she misses her home, but it's for the best, she wants to avenge her family and friend.


Suyoshi Pov

I was getting ready for my mission, I had packed some treats from miss Sae and she just sharpened my sword. I don't know what i'd do without her, she's the sister I never had. I hope we live long, one day she'll grow into a strong beautiful women.... but then i'll have to beat up any men who try to flirt with her. She's to precious and kind but then again she can handle herself. I was walking around the butterfly estate freely with my hands over my head whistling to myself. "Hey suyoshi we are leaving now say your goodbyes". The other demon slayer said "Yeah i'm coming just gotta find Sae". I guess she's waiting outside for me as normal. I head towards the doors and see her long hair in the distance. "Hey hey Sae now don't miss me too much". Sae rolled her eyes "Just don't come back too soon we still haven't bought food for the kitchen since last time you ate everything". I smile and grab her hand with her chained bracelet to hand her something I made. "Here this is for you as a thank you, when i come back i'll teach you how to make them". She opened her hand it was a wooden sculpted flower I had made, her eyes lit up. "I love it thank you". She said as she ruffled up my hair.

End of flashback

Sae looked at her hand. That was the last time he held her hand, he was always dragging her places. Poor guy had no friends besides Sae. She adjusted herself into her bed still staring at her hand and lifted it up to her lips and kissed it. "I won't give up Suyoshi, if i'm as strong as you say I am then I can do this".

~Taisho secrets~

•Tani is really enjoying herself. She believes in Sae and always will

•Urokodaki is nervous he doesn't know how to train Sae. Training her will be difficult.

•Suyoshi watches her from heaven he's very proud of what she's doing

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