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mulan smith

warning: confession of sexual assault ahead

we had just returned home not too long ago, silence hanging between billie and me— not in a negative way, but because we both needed the space and time to process everything that was happening.

even though claudia's help had eased my mind a bit, i was still worried, my intuition telling me things could go wrong at any given moment. the whole situation was nerve-wracking, but if i kept obsessing over it, i would drive myself crazy.

in order to keep my mind occupied, i decided to light candles around the house, their soft glow casting a warm, calming light. the gentle scent of lavender filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere. i tidied up a bit, putting things back in their place, and started cooking dinner while billie showered. the rhythmic chopping of vegetables and the sizzle of the food in the pan helped smoothe my nerves.

" alexa play my r&b playlist" i said, using my knife to guide the chopped broccoli into the warm pan.

soon, nobody else by summer walker begins to play through the speakers. immediately i fall into the vibe of the song and start humming the lyrics.

as i begin to season the broccoli with some light seasonings, footsteps could be heard approaching near me. the familiar warm vanilla chai scent fulfills my nostrils, billie's hands finding their rightful place on my body, causing me to melt into her embrace without a single thought.

i find it insane how much my body trusts her; i don't have to use my mind around her. i know i'm protected. whether billie knows it or not, she slowly but surely heals the little girl in me the more she's around me.

her lips brush against my neck ever so lightly and i damn near forget i'm cooking as my eyelids close, a soft sigh escaping  from my parted lips.

i could feel her smile against my skin as she pecks the spot that makes me melt— and she knows it. the warmth of her minty breath sending goosebumps down my spine, my body reacting with such sensitivity, craving and missing her— these past days doing a major toll not only on my mental but physical.

" you need any helping cookin mama?" she asks, her voice holding a husky tone, her strained voice still in recovery.

i had to shake myself from the trance i was falling into, clearing my throat as the warmth of her body departed from mine.

" uh huh, can you cut da chicken" i breathed out, my hold on the skillet's handle tight as fuck.

catch a fuckin grip mulan.

i honestly did my biggest one on tonight's dinner or maybe it was because I hadn't cooked a homemade meal in forever— either way my toes were curling and by the looks of it, billie long gremlin toes were too.

"mm-" billie declared loudly, using the napkin to wipe the corner of her mouth that had alfredo sauce.

i chuckled softly, setting my plate down on the coffee table as i leaned against the couch— both me and billie were sitting on the floor for no particular reason, we was just enjoying the moment as it was.

billie sat her napkin on top of her plate, then tilted her head to look at me as i did the same. our hands interlocked, her fingers warm and reassuring against mine.

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