Ch 1- Renegotiating the Contract

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Elizabeth sat alone in the dark, deep in thought.

Recently, she had found out about Ciel and Sebastian's deal.

It had already been five months, but she could remember it as if it were yesterday.


She and Ciel were seated at the dinner table. They had both just finished a nice dinner prepared by the kitchen staff. It was not as nice as she remembered Sebastian's food being, but it was good all the same.

"Ciel?" Elizabeth called to her husband, seated across from her.

"Yes?" Ciel asked, looking up from his paper. He did not usually read it this late, but he had been busy this morning.

"What ever happened to Sebastian? I have not seen him in so long," Elizabeth asked.

Ciel's face dropped and the eye that was visible darkened.

"What is it, dear?" Elizabeth asked, becoming worried.

Ciel sighed as he made a decision he wished he had not had to. He had to tell her.

"Elizabeth, I need to tell you something, but I want you to hear me out before you say anything. Alright?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied, not realizing what he was asking of her.

"After my parents death and I was taken prisoner, I was so angry. That anger summoned a very powerful demon. He offered me a deal to get revenge on the people who murdered my family. I accepted. However, everything comes with a price. To get revenge on them, I had to trade my soul," he said, retelling the tale. Horror crossed her face yet she said nothing. "After we found out who killed my parents, my revenge was extracted. Sebastian was about to take my soul, but I asked him for more time on Earth. He agreed to give me fourteen more years. This is the reason I wear this eye patch. It covers my demon mark."

He removed the eye patch showing his entire face to her for the first time in so long.

He looked exactly like his father, except for his right eye. It had a mark she remembered seeing on Sebastain's hand, thinking at the time it was a tattoo. It was centered in the middle of his eye.

They sat there in silence for the longest time.

"How much longer do you have?" Elizabeth asked, breaking the silence.

"Eight months," Ciel replied.

"Was it worth it?" she asked.

"What?" he asked.

"Was... it... worth... it?" she asked, slowly with a tint of anger.

"Yes," he answered, completely serious.

"So it was worth it to lose everything you have here now? Including me?" she asked, holding back her rage but not her tears.

"Elizabeth, I did what I had to! They needed to pay!"

"What about the people who need you? What about your company?"

"You can handle that. You have been helping me with the business for years now."

"What about your family?"

"Elizabeth, you are the only family I have. You will be fine."

"No, we will not." As she said this, she put her palm up to her stomach.

Ciel's eyes widened.

"How far along?" Ciel asked.

"One month. Maybe if you are lucky, he may let you be there for your own child's birth," Elizabeth said as she stood and roughly pushed her chair in, walking out of the room.

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