Ch 9- Trust?

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The large demon dog lunged at Maria, his fangs bared and eyes flaming red.

Although Maria felt that her body had froze on her when he lunged, the two gardeners eyes widened and they stopped when they heard her scream.

Maria shut her eyes just as the dog was upon her. She waited for the impact that never came.

Maria's eyes slowly opened and she found herself on the ground and shielded by a very broad chest with black fabric clinging tightly to it. When she followed the chest and neck to their point of origin, she found herself starring into the burning red eyes of a certain demon, his face so close to hers.

Sebastian had jumped in front of the demon dog just as was about to land on Maria, the dogs massive paw still being mercilessly held in his large hand.

Maria's eyes suddenly fell to the dog when she heard him whimpering.

"Sebastian..." Maria breathed.

"Yes?" Sebastian asked. This was the first his name had ever crossed her sweet lips. He hid his adoration well.

"Please let go of the dog. You are hurting him," Maria said, her voice shaking. Pluto may have just tried to kill her, but she did not wish to see him or any other in pain.

Surprise crossed Sebastian's face before he let the dog go.

Pluto yelped and suddenly turned into a man, causing Maria's eyes to nearly bug out of her head. Luckily, because he had been dressed earlier, he was still wearing a brown suite. Maria would not have been able to handle seeing a naked man.

Before she knew what she was doing, Maria crawled out from under Sebastian and over to the man now licking his injured hand.

When Maria tentatively reached out her hand, the man growled at her. She hesitated, but did not flinch, however. Having faced Sebastian in his more scary moments would do that to a person. Her hand continued forward until she touched his long hair. Pluto was about to rear back, then Maria started rubbing his head.

"Are you okay, Pluto?" Maria smiled.

Pluto looked at her in shock before he smiled happily and stuck his tongue out. He suddenly licked her face, making her giggle, then proceeded in rubbing up against her.

Had anyone been watching, they would have seen Sebastian's eyes glow red with jealousy as he stood.

"Drocell, Joker," Sebastian suddenly called out, his eyes not leaving Maria, brushing himself off.

"Yes, Master Sebastian?" the pair asked, bowing.

"Is it not your job to keep the garden tidy as well as keeping Pluto from harming any member of the household?" Sebastian asked, the air around them all turning dark. He watched Maria shiver.

"Yes, Master Sebastian," the two said nervously.

"Well then, since you seem to have failed to do both jobs, what shall your punishments be?" Sebastian asked.

Maria turned to Sebastian then. She gently moved Pluto off of her and stood facing Sebastian.

Joker and Drocell were about to reply when Maria stopped them with two simple sentences.

"It was not any of their faults. If you are going to punish anyone, punish me," Maria said, looking him straight in the eye.

Sebastian's eyes widened, as well as the two gardeners. Then, mischief danced in his blood colored eyes.

"That is not necessary, Lady Maria. We were the ones at..." Drocell started.

"No, no. Let her talk," Sebastian said, cutting him off. "Why should you be the one punished, sweet Maria?"

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