Ch 7- The Next Morning

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Please listen to the song while reading, please. It fits with the story.

Maria awoke with a start as the bed she was sleeping in sagged and rocked as one of two figures started jumping on the bed.

"Wake up! Wake up!" the jumping child chimmed as he bounced. He had soft brown hair and dark brown eyes.

They saw that her eyes were open. They also noticed the her face and eyes were red as well as puffy.

"Are you alright?" the other child asked. He had sun blonde hair and baby blue eyes.

Maria could only stare at the two children now sitting on her bed. She was at a lose for words. But her mind was racing.

Why were they here? Were they here willingly? Is Sebastian going to eat them too?

"Maybe she can not hear," the little boy with the brown hair said.

Maria had not even realized they were talking.

"Are you alright?" the little blond yelled. Maria had to cover her now ringing ears. She had not had a hearing problem before, but she feared one now.

"So this is where you two went," a voice called from the doorway.

The three of them looked to see Sebastian smiling at them and Maria backed into the pillows. This only being noticed by Sebastian.

He had changed out of his clothes from the previous night and put away his glasses, but he still dawned the ever pressing black. He was dressed like an adult noblemen would.

"Sebastian!" the two children exclaimed as they jumped from the bed, ran to Sebastian, and each grabbed aholed of his long legs.

Maria flinced when Sebastian placed a hand on their heads, ruffling their already messy hair. It seemed as though they had just gotten out of bed.

"Did the two of you wake Maria up?" Sebastian asked the two boys playfully.

"We wanted to meet her!" the young blond exclaimed.

"Yeah! She was still sleeping when we came in, so we woke her up so we could meet her!" the littlist boy said. He seemed the more energetic of the two.

"Speaking of which, why is her face all red and puffy? And how come she will not speak?" the blond asked, looking over at Maria.

"Maria just had a long night. Give her time to warm up to the two of you. Now, the two of you go and find Claude so he can prepare you for breakfast and your toutoring. Maria and I shall be down soon," Sebastian explained.

"Okay! See you downstairs!" the littlest boy said happily as the two of them were lead out by Sebastian.

Maria hoped he would leave with them, but he closed the doors to her room as the boys began calling for someone name Claude, sealing her in the room with him.

He turned to her after the seemingly deafening click of the door resounded through the room.

The room was silent for a moment as they stared at each other from across the room.

"Did you sleep well?" Sebastian asked suddenly, smiling at her.

Maria flinced. Why would he ask her that?

His smile fell and he sighed. He walked to her side of the bed and sat down so he was facing her, making the bed sag slightly.

They just stared into each others eyes for the longest of time. Maria began to tremble slightly from looking into his somewhat cold eyes.

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