Ch 13- New Additions and Their 'Other Halves'

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Sage let out a small groan as she slowly opened her chocolate brown eyes. She looked around and found herself in a strange room. Then, she suddenly felt something around her waist. Looking down, she realized that something was someone's arm.

Sage followed the arm and turned to see a man with perfectly tussled black hair and the most beautiful golden eyes she had ever seen coupled with rimmed glasses has black has his hair. He was well muscled and slightly pale. She could not help but think that he was devilishly handsome, however, this did not stop her from letting out a terrified scream.

The scream echoed down the halls and through out the mansion.

"What was that?" Maria asked, looking up from the book she had been reading to the boys.

"It sounded like a scream," Luca said, wanting her to continue reading.

"Well, I know that, dear. I meant who did it," Maria laughed. "That almost sounded like Sage. I should go and see."

Maria put the book down and was about to leave the bed, when the two boys suddenly grabbed her arms.

"Oh no you do not!" Luca exclaimed.

"You know father put you under bed rest. There is no telling how angry he would get if you got up while you were supposed to be resting," Alois explained. The boys had started calling Sebastian father around the time they had started calling Maria mother.

Maria smiled at the two boys and carefully pried her arms from the two boys.

"What he does not know, will not make him angry. Besides, if the two of you help me, I do not see the harm in it," Maria explained. She was still weak from her healing process, considering the healing process had to take energy from her body to be able to work, but that would not stop her. Nor would the thought that Sebastian would become angry with her.

The boys helped her from the bed and walked beside her, ready to catch her should she fall.

Maria's legs still wobbled and it took her some time before she made it to the door. She was trying to catch her breath by then and had to brace herself against the door for support. It had been over a day since her healing process had begun, and it seemed to take more and more energy from her. Of course, it did not help that she kept using it.

"Are you sure you can make it?" Luca asked. He worried about her almost as much as Sebastian did, considering he thought it his fault she was like this in the first place.

"Do not worry about me. I shall be fine. I just needed to find my breath," Maria smiled, ruffling Luca's hair. "Now, do either of you know where Claude's room is?"

"Of course I do. But why?" Alois asked as Maria stepped out of Sebastian's room. Well, now her and Sebastian's room.

"Because, I have a feeling that is where he took Sage," Maria replied, following behind Alois as fast as she could manage.

Sage continually screamed against the white gloved hand and struggled against the arm snaked around her torso, pinning her arms against her. Her throat began to hurt, but that would not deter her.

"Shhhhhh, shhhhhh, shhhhhh," Claude whispered in her ear. He began to lightly stroke her cheek with his thumb, gradually making her relax. She did not know why, but she found she liked this. "Good girl. Now, I am going to let you go, but I do not want you to scream or I shall have to pin you down again. Do you understand?"

Sage thought for a moment before nodding her head.

Claude cautiously moved his hands from her before she wrenched away from him, falling to the floor from the bed they had been laying on.

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