Ch 16- The Family of the Bride

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(The Phantomhive Mansion)

The sun shown brightly through the windows at the Phantomhive mansion and the birds chirped happily. Anton could not help but think how Maria used to sit at this very window and just watch the birds fly around happily. He had asked her once why she sat there like that, and she simply replied, "I love to watch how the birds fly with such grace and happiness. Sometimes I find myself wishing for a man like that." 

"Alright, so we have covered half of London so far, which is a good start. However, we have yet to find any leads pertaining to Maria," Ciel explained to everyone who now presided in the Phantomhive mansion as they all sat in the parlor, pulling Anton from his thoughts.

Even since they found out Maria was alive, they have been searching nonstop. Even thought Lau pretended not to know what was happening half the time, he still helped out tremendously. The search had gotten them nowhere so far, but they were determined not to give up.

"So, we will split up into new groups today and see if we can find anything new. Let us pick..." Ciel started before a knock at the door stopped him.

"I shall be right back," Mey-Rin curtsied before leaving the room. She came back a few moments later with a pale face.

"Mey-Rin, what is the matter?" Finny asked, making everyone in the room turn to look at her.

"Ghhh..... gh... gh...." Mey-Rin stammered, pointing to the doorway to the parlor.

"Mey-Rin, just say it already!" Anton exclaimed.

Just then, two tall figures, one dressed in black and the other in white, came into the parlor. Everyone had to do a double take after seeing them.

"Bu-but... how... what are you two..." Ciel stammered.

"We have a message from our lord," Ash smiled as Claude pulled out the letter in a thin envelope. Neither of them had changed since they were last seen by the people in the parlor. Anton was confused, however, considering he had never seen either of these people.

"Your lord?" Elizabeth asked, confused.

Mey-Rin walked forward and hesitantly took the letter from Claude with shaky hands. After taking the letter, she rushed it over to Ciel, handed it to him, and retook her place beside Finny and Bard.

Ciel noticed the familiar handwriting on the front of the envelope as he read 'To the Phantomhive Household.'

"What on Earth... Do not tell me the both of you actually work for him!" Ciel hollered as he looked back up at Claude and Ash.

"Sorry, we are not permitted to answer any questions. All the information you need is in that letter," Ash smiled as they turned to leave.

"How are you two alive?" Ciel hurriedly asked after he ran to the front entrance before they got to the door.

"As we said, we are not permitted nor are you entitled to any answers from us. Good day to you Lord Phantomhive," Claude said without turning around as he and Ash left. 

Ciel knew they would be gone before he could open the door to try and catch them, so he left it at that and went back to the parlor.

"Who were those people?" Anton asked.

"People who should have died a long time ago," Ciel said as he looked down at the letter he held in his hand.

"So what does it say?" Elizabeth asked as Ciel opened the envelope and skimmed over the letter inside.

Ciel simply looked up from the letter for a moment, missing the most important part in the letter, before handing it to Anton, who he knew would want to read it, and sat down beside Prince Soma.

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