Ch 8- The Michaelis Estate

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Sebastian had seen Maria sway after looking at herself in the mirror. He appeared behind her and caught her in his waiting arms before she could get even half way to the ground. She had been through so much in less than a day. For her to faint was expected.

"Is Maria okay?" Alois and Luca asked.

The other servants surrounded the pair, curious about the pretty girl now nestled in Sebastian's strong arms bridal style.

"Claude," Sebastian called.

"Yes, Master Sebastian?" Claude asked, stepping forward.

"Will you take the boys to get ready for their lessons for today, please?" Sebastian asked. Sebastian may not have had to ask politely, but he knew all too well the displeasure of a demanding master, as did Claude.

"Of course, Master Sebastian. Come along boys," Claude replied with a bow, the two boys following him out the doors.

"If the rest of you would please go back to your chores, you may meet Maria later this evening," Sebastian said.

The rest of the servants either bowed or curtsied, depending on gender, and left the room. Pluto simply gave a bark and left the room. Even though they all had a bad connection with Sebastian in some way, they all had a deep respect for him. He was the first of their masters to show any type of kindness to them. For this, they served him to the best of their abilities and more.

After the servants had taken their leave, Sebastian carried Maria over to the table and situated her into one of the chairs. He knelt next to her chair.

"Maria?" Sebastian called. "Maria, can you hear me?" He gently patted the side of her face.

Maria's eyes fluttered open and she nearly made her chair flip back when her eyes met his. His face was so close to hers.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to frighten you," Sebastian smiled, one hand on the armrest and the other on the back of the chair, steadying it. It also kept her from running from him.

Maria sunk back further into the chair. He was so close she could feel his minty breath on her face.

He leaned in closer, relishing in her sweet smell, and asked, "Is something the matter?"

His forehead now nearly touched hers.

Maria suddenly felt his fingers on her ears and froze. If she pulled away, he might just rip her ear off in the process.

Sebastian began to gently strock her soft cat ears.

Before long, she could not hold it in and began to purr softly for the second time today. It had been this way since she was a child. Whenever someone would strock her ears just the right way, she would begin to purr.

"Such a sweet little kitten," Sebastian chuckled.

He then started strocking her long, soft black hair, running his slender fingers through it. This made Maria's eyes half close. She would have closed them all the way to relish in the pleasure of his soft touch, but she was still afraid of him.

"Soft kitty, warm kitty. Little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty. Purr, purr, purr," Sebastian hummed in her ear.

Maria's eyes shot open and tears sprung to her eyes. Her mother used to sing that to her when she was upset or had a bad dream.

Sebastian's eyes widened. He had not meant to make her cry.

He wiped away the stray tear that fell from her barrier with his thumb. She knew he knew she was afraid of him, but she did not want to be weak.

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