Ch 17- Preperations Have Begun

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Maria awoke when the sunlight streaming in through the window in her and Sebastian's room hit her face. Her eyes fluttered open and she had to shield her eyes for a moment from the light. Once her eyes were adjusted to the light, she put her hand down and looked outside from the bed.

Maria could see the bright blue sky, the fluffy white clouds moving slowly in the winter breeze, and the few birds that stayed in the area during winter time flying across the sky. Due to the clouds, there was a definite chance it may start to snow by tonight.

Maria smiled at that. She had always loved the snow. It reminded her that for even a few fleeting moments, something could be that pure.

Maria heard a chuckle behind her. She turned over and looked into Sebastian's bright red eyes.

"What?" Maria asked.

"Nothing, you are just so beautiful in the morning light. Then again, you look beautiful in any light," Sebastian said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer to him. She smiled and her cheeks burned red. "I love it when you blush." He kissed both her cheeks, feeling the warmth roll off them.

"Sebastian?" Maria said after he kissed her cheeks.

"Yes?" Sebastian smiled.

"How does the ceremony work?"Maria asked.

"I was wondering when you would ask that, you curious little kitten," Sebastian laughed, pressing his forehead to hers, making her giggle as his hair tickled her. "Well, it works about the same as a human marriage, except the details are different."

"How so?" Maria asked.

"Hmmm. I do not know if I should tell you or not. Maybe I should make you wait till tonight," Sebastian taunted, wrapping an arm around her shoulder so that her head was resting on his shoulder.

"Please?" Maria begged, giving him her pouty lip and big eye routine.

"Oh, who could say no to that face," Sebastian laughed, caving in. "Well, for one, instead of exchanging rings, we would exchange blood." Maria's eyes widened. "Do not worry. It does not take much. All we would have to do is put a little of each other's blood into a cup and take at least a sip." Her eyes unwidened slightly. "After our blood is exchanged," He placed his ungloved index finger over her jugular, tracing a line down to the vein pumping blood under her skin. "I simply bit your throat, letting my venom course throughout your body."

"Does it hurt?" Maria asked. Taking the hand that had been at her throat and tracing circles in his palm with her thumb.

"I have been told it does. I shall be as gentle as possible," Sebastian smiled.

Maria smiled back, sat up, moved herself so she was sitting next to him, and placed her hands on his chest. She then leaned down so she was hovering over his face.

"Any amount of pain is worth spending the rest of eternity with you," Maria smiled.

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