Ch 18- Meet the Parents... Again

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Anton, Ciel, and Elizabeth sat quietly in the carriage as it rocked gently along, none of them saying a word to one another. Agni, Prince Soma, Mey-Rin, Bard, Tanaka and Finny were in the carriage behind them, while Lau, Ran Mao, Damien, and Clair were in the carriage behind that one. You can imagine the uproar Clair caused when she was instructed to sit in the last carriage.

Agni and Prince Soma were dressed as Watson and Sherlock Holmes. Mey-Rin, Bard, Tanaka, and Finny were dressed as Japanese monsters. Lau and Ran Mao were dressed as an elderly Chinese couple. Damien and Clair were dressed as King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Ciel and Elizabeth were dressed as Romeo Juliet. Anton was simply dressed as an army commander in white with a sparing sword at his side.

Anton sat alone across from his parents, looking out the window with his head resting on his hand as his elbow rested on the armrest. He had had so much to think of these past few days.

His sister was engaged to a demon, she now had two young children that were not even technically hers, and she was willingly becoming a demon herself.

To top it all off, he could not even tell his parents about all this. He knew his sister wanted to tell them herself, so he would not deny her that, but it had been so hard for him to keep these things to himself.

The carriage came to a halt, pulling Anton out of his thoughts. He and his parents looked at one another before the carriage driver came around and opened the door for them.

After all three of them exited the carriage, they and everyone else who had come with them on the seemingly long trip could do nothing but stare at the immense mansion before them. It was at least three times bigger than the Phantomhive mansion, and that was just the front. Compared to this, the Phantomhive mansion look like a summer cottage.

If Anton did not know his sister well enough, he would assume she were only in the engagement for the large amount of money Sebastian clearly had. However, he did know his sister, and she would never marry for money or profit. Maria would only marry for love.

They were all pulled out Of their thoughts when the large front doors to the mansion were pulled open. There stood Ash and Claude, both in their costumes.

Ash was apparently a dodo bird while Claude was dressed as a palace guard from Alice in Wonderland.

The invitations had said that the members of the mansion would all be dressed accordingly with their master, but none of them expected this.

As a few people walked in, they snickered at Claude and Ash's costumes. It was almost hard not to with the way they were dressed. The beak on Ash's face alone was enough to make you laugh.

However, all laughs were quited when Ash and Claude turned a cold stare to them.

The inhabitatants of the Phantomhive mansion, plus Clair and Damien, entered the foyur. It was decorated with a blue and white checkered tile pattern, a solid oak table in the center of the room with a glass vase containing white and blue lillies, a grand staircase that slit in two on either side of the walls leading up to the second floor, and beautifully crafted sculptures and paints lining the walls.

This was the only part of the mansion they had yet to see and already they were awesturk.

"Members of the Phantomhive party," Claude called out from behind them, making them turn to him and Ash. "I am the Head of Staff, Claude Faustus." He bowed his head.

"And I am Second in Command, Ash Landers," Ash said, also bowing his head.

"We humbly welcome you to the Michaelis Estate. We hope you will enjoy the party you will soon be attending and find our hospitality to your liking," Ash and Claude said together as they placed their hands over their hearts and bowed.

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